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MEETING OF THE ELK RIVER BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS <br /> HELD AT ELK RIVER CITY HALL <br /> TUESDAY,AUGUST 23, 2005 <br /> Members Present: Chair Anderson,Commissioners Lemke,Offerman,Ropp,Scott,Stevens <br /> and Westgaard <br /> Members Absent: None <br /> Staff Present: Michele McPherson, Director of Planning; Chris Leeseberg, Planner, <br /> Debbie Huebner,Recording Secretary <br /> 1. Call Meeting To Order <br /> Pursuant to due call and notice thereof,the meeting of the Elk River Board of Adjustments <br /> was called to order at 6:30 Chair Anderson. <br /> 2. Consider 8/23/05 Board of Adjustments Agenda <br /> MOVED BY COMMISSIONER STEVENS AND SECONDED BY <br /> COMMISSIONER LEMKE TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 23,2005 BOARD OF <br /> ADJUSTMENTS AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. <br /> 3. Consider 7/26/05 Board of Adjustments Minutes <br /> MOVED BY COMMISSIONER OFFERMAN AND SECONDED BY <br /> COMMISSIONER WESTGAARD TO APPROVE THE JULY 26,2005,BOARD OF <br /> ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. <br /> 4. Consider Lot Area and Lot Width Variance Requested by Jimmy Raivala,Public Hearing- <br /> Case No.V 05-03 <br /> Director of Planning Michele McPherson reviewed the request by Jimmy Raivala for a <br /> variance to reduce the required lot width from 100 feet to 45 feet,and a lot area variance to <br /> reduce the required lot area from 11,000 square feet to 10,330 square feet. Ms.McPherson <br /> noted that the variances are required in order for the applicant to split his property at 441 <br /> Upland Avenue into two lots due to pending assessments for street improvements. One lot <br /> is required to have 15,000 square feet and the other is required to have 11,000 square feet. <br /> The removal of the needed right of way for Upland Avenue reduces the applicant's property <br /> to 25,330 square feet. This includes a portion of the 5th Street right of way,which the City is <br /> proposing to vacate as part of the subdivision request. <br /> Ms.McPherson reviewed the five findings which must be met in order to grant a variance. <br /> Staff recommends approval of the request. <br /> Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. <br /> Ben Kratzke, 1707 5th Street-Stated that his home is directly west of Mr.Raivala. Mr. <br /> • Kratzke was not in favor of a two or three-story home on the new lot,as he would no longer <br /> be able to see the sun. He had no objection to the variance request. <br />