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Case No.V 04-07 <br /> October 26,2004 Page 2 <br /> • garage. The applicant has received approval from the City Council to split the lot into two <br /> parcels,which meet the minimum lot area requirements for the district;however, one lot <br /> requires a lot width variance of 3 feet. <br /> Analysis <br /> Prior to granting a variance to the literal provisions of Chapter 30—Land Development <br /> Regulations, the Board of Adjustments must consider the following criteria: <br /> 1. Literal enforcement of the ordinance will cause undue hardship. <br /> 2. The hardship is caused by special conditions and circumstances, which are peculiar to the properly and <br /> the structure involved and which are not characteristic of or applicable to, other lands or structure in the <br /> same area. <br /> 3. The literal application of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the petitioner of rights enjoyed by <br /> other properties in the same district under the terms of this ordinance. <br /> 4. The special conditions and circumstances are not a consequence of the petitioner's own action or inaction. <br /> S. The variance will not be injurious to or adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the <br /> city or the neighborhood where the property is located and will be in keeping with spirit and intent of the <br /> ordinance. <br /> • Lot Width Variance <br /> The applicant is requesting a lot width variance of 3 feet. Lot width is measured at the front <br /> setback line -in this case,30 feet. This lot does not have 160 feet at its front setback line. <br /> Therefore, a division of the lot by the applicant results in one lot that meets the lot width <br /> requirement and a second,which falls short of the minimum requirements. Both lots exceed <br /> the minimum lot area requirement for the R1c Zoning District. Staff finds that granting a <br /> lot width variance would be appropriate, as the configuration of the original lot is not within <br /> the applicant's control. <br /> Building Setback Variance <br /> The applicant desires to construct a zero lot line twinhome-style structure on the lot. Each <br /> portion of the dwelling would be owner-occupied;therefore,the applicant is requesting a <br /> building setback to zero feet on one side of the dwelling. The units would have side-loaded <br /> garages and in the applicant's opinion,would improve the overall neighborhood. Each lot is <br /> of adequate size to provide space for individual dwelling units without granting a setback <br /> variance. In addition, staff believes that custom-designed homes could better fit the <br /> topography and vegetation on the site,as opposed to a pre-designed twinhome design <br /> transplanted from another community. The applicant has control over the design of the <br /> building he desires to place on the site, and could places buildings on the lots that meet the <br /> setback requirements. Staff therefore would recommend the Board of Adjustments deny the <br /> • request for a zero setback to allow construction of a twinhome on the two lots. <br /> S:\PLANNING\Case Files\2004\V 04-07 Plaisted\10 26 04 ba memo.doc <br />