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1/12/2004 <br /> • Variance Request by Mikhail Epshteyn, the owner of Lot 2,Block 6, Westwood Subdivision, Elk <br /> River, MN <br /> Requesting variance for the north side yard setback to be reduced to10 feet from non- <br /> existing road formerly known as Lake Street and 35 feet from Lake Orono inlet channel on <br /> the north side of Lot 2,Block 6 Westwood subdivision,Elk River,MN for the purpose of <br /> construction of a single-family two story residential house. <br /> The following are the reasons for this variance: <br /> 1. The literal enforcement of the zoning regulations from which the variance is requested <br /> will constitute extreme and unnecessary hardship upon the owner. The width of this lot is <br /> 75 feet.By applying 10 feet setback from the south side and 30 feet setback from non <br /> existing road on the north side and 50 feet from the Lake channel on the north side would <br /> only leave 34-35 feet to build a house which is not possible. The variance would allow <br /> for 54 feet to build a house. Otherwise no reasonable use can be made of this property <br /> without the variance. <br /> 2. The variance requested arises from conditions unique to this property.When the land was <br /> divided in 1953 there was a 40 feet road known as Lake Street planned between Block 6 <br /> and Block 4. Since that time there was a narrow channel formed in place of the road <br /> which connects rain water collecting pipe outlet with Lake Orono.Therefore, the road <br /> can not and does not exist anymore. Applying side road setback of 30 feet is not <br /> reasonable in this case since the road does not exist.Applying 50 feet lake setback from <br /> the narrow channel is not reasonable because it is not the main body of water of Lake <br /> Orono. Both of these circumstances occurred after the land was divided and now create <br /> practical difficulty as well as unnecessary hardship for the land owner to use this <br /> residential city lot for construction without variance. <br /> 3. The literal application of the provisions of the Ordinance would deprive the owner's <br /> family from the rights enjoyed by other properties in this neighborhood.The variance <br /> similar to the one requested was granted to the next door neighbor to the north of Lake <br /> Street on Lot 8,Block 4 for his house. His house is in the same proximity to the Lake <br /> Street and Lake Inlet as the variance requested in this document. Without this variance <br /> the owner of the land would not be able to build a house and the land would continue to <br /> be vacant. <br /> 4. These special conditions and circumstances are not a consequence of the owner's own <br /> actions,but the result of the topographical changes made to the geographical area <br /> surrounding the owner's property. <br /> 5. The variance requested will not adversely affect the public health, safety, convenience, <br /> and general welfare of the community. It will actually enhance the neighborhood.The <br /> owner's land has"no dumping"signs on the property,yet some irresponsible individuals <br /> dump their yard waste on the owner's land because they think"no house=no <br /> ownership". The variance would allow for the house to be built on the property. <br /> Furthermore, this variance would not oppose in any way the general spirit and intent of <br /> zoning regulations. <br /> The owner sincerely hopes that this variance can be granted as it is the minimum variance <br /> required to make the reasonable use of this land. <br />