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CAFE / 32 invest "I care about this town and I <br /> want to keep it running,"said <br /> happy," said Piekarski, who decided to explaining sh a eho d- <br /> • <br /> owns Ski's Lumber in er. <br /> Swanville."But 42 showed up." "Everything panned out," <br /> "That was really the begin- said Bob Koetter a sharehold- <br /> ning, right there," added er and owner of Bob and Fran's <br /> Johnson. Grut.,20. in Swanville. <br /> In all, 32 shareholders "Sometimes we had mistakes <br /> invested $5,000 each to form we had to redo. There were f <br /> ,: <br /> the Swanville Restaurant Co., times Jim and I wished we ` <br /> LLC.They include retired resi- wouldn't have started this." e; !; <br /> dents, farmers, mechanics and "We've had our squabbles," •gas station owners.The Gessell <br /> g added Piekarski."Sometimes I �} Y�` 2 °�I.brothers — John, Frank and win, sometimes Bruce wins <br /> • Joe — sold the office building and sometimes John wins." `} <br /> used for the Gessell Feed Mill The restaurant, which will r <br /> in downtown Swanville to be open 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. $ <br /> shareholders at a discounted seven days a week,will feature rate for the new cafe. home-cooked meals. Its spe- <br /> While none of the share- cialty will be soft-serve cus- <br /> holders knew anything about tard, an ice cream-like treat 1► 3 <br /> operating a cafe, they figured several shareholders discov- ', , <br /> the worst-case scenario was ered in Wisconsin. Linda `` <br /> they'd lose half of their invest- Wrobel is manager/head cook ' . , -,_ , <br /> ment money if the cafe didn't while Kathy Van Norman has ' <br /> make it.They also could see a been hired as assistant manag- . "-'; <br /> 10 percent return on their er/assistant cook. Eight staff . 4` <br /> investment if the cafe was suc- members in all have been � ! <br /> cessful. hired. <br /> Piekarski• said they told In May the shareholders alt, ._ <br /> shareholders not to invest with will meet to elect board mem- f: I <br /> the intent of making money. It bers. Johnson serves as chief '`{ �° <br /> was an investment in the com- manager. <br /> munity. Shareholders realize their r , <br /> In January, shareholders business venture is no small <br /> went to work remodeling the feat. <br /> CD building into Granny's Cafe,in "It is truly amazing," said z c m . N c 6' <br /> honor of the late Elizabeth "Everybody y .> °'0 <br /> Piekarski. g we've m` m 'c o = 4- <br /> "Granny" Gessell and all of talked to in other towns, they c --0 3 .x ar o. d ° c'o <br /> Swanville's grandmothers who say,`How in the hell did you get `° s Cl) - m c a - - 2 <br /> were great cooks,said Johnson. that to fly?"' F m Er, 0 a . '- °' <br /> Some of the contractors who "I'm just hoping that when I r N o 1° <br /> worked on the cafe gave dis- y :° a <br /> g die the cafe will stay open and :33 ,_ ,...a) y tar ayi t t <br /> counts on their labor. In most the town will still be here,too," o `0 ` — i rn— <br /> cases, the shareholders them- said Johnson. o v °' o ' °' 1° <br /> selves rolled up their sleeves Since the remodeling ci o . ,c y 3 o E aii <br /> and went to work. process began,nearly everyone N c T m y �' <br /> The cafe, which also houses in town has been stopping by, oo ca o 0 c <br /> an arcade for children and checking on the progress and -I -) c� N U. a. c -3 o a E <br /> teens,will be open for business waiting for the restaurant and <br /> April 29. It can seat 65 diners its arcade to open. <br /> with a meeting room that can • "Everybody's checking all <br /> seat 35 people. the time. It's the talk of the <br /> Lowell Drager, a retired !town,"said Piekarski. <br /> English, speech and theater "For a town of300,this is big <br /> teacher from Swanville High i excitement,"added Koetter. <br /> School,is not only a sharehold- And yes, Piekarski said <br /> er but designed the cafe's morning dice games will <br /> menus and serves as restau- return to Swanville at <br /> rant 'historian, documenting Granny's Cafe. <br /> through photographs the <br /> fri <br /> remodeling of Granny's Cafe. <br /> During the remodeling process <br /> they uncovered and restored <br /> the building's original tin ceil- <br /> ing. Shareholder John J. <br /> Gessell spent most days at the <br /> restaurant, volunteering long <br /> hours to r•esture the ceiling.. <br />