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Community and Economic Development Toolbox: Downtown Development Key Trends ... Page 3 of 4 <br /> Trend #5: Application of the Main Street Approach. <br /> • A very popular approach to downtown development, <br /> particularly in small cities, is the Main Street Approach. This <br /> approach emphasizes the balanced use of four critical <br /> elements; i) organization of downtown businesses and <br /> interests, 2) design that enhances visual qualities and historic <br /> architecture, 3) promotion and marketing and 4) economic <br /> restructuring and business recruitment. <br /> Trend #6: Attention to Promotional Activities. The <br /> promotion of downtown attractions,businesses, and events <br /> has become a major dimension of downtown development <br /> today. Promotions are usually spearheaded by the downtown <br /> organization. These organizations recognize the necessity of <br /> reacquainting long-time residents and introducing newer <br /> residents and visitors to the virtues of downtown. Staging <br /> downtown events, such as festivals, parades, concerts, and <br /> craft shows, can bring people downtown and expose them to <br /> what the downtown has to offer. <br /> Trend #7: Creation of New Suburban Downtowns.A <br /> recent trend that provides extraordinary evidence of the value <br /> and importance of downtowns is the development of new <br /> • downtowns in suburbs that heretofore have never possessed a <br /> traditional core district. In suburban communities from <br /> Rockville, MD to Valencia, CA, new town centers have been <br /> constructed that mirror many of the attributes of traditional <br /> Main Streets, such as a high density pedestrian-friendly <br /> setting that contains a variety of functions, including <br /> government facilities in many cases. These suburbs are <br /> hopeful that their new downtown will serve to provide a <br /> much needed identity and sense of place for their community. <br /> Conclusion <br /> What lessons should policy makers take from this review? <br /> First, cities of all sizes, including an increasing number of <br /> suburbs,value downtown for its economic benefits,heritage, <br /> identity, and sense of community/place. The entire <br /> community, not just the downtown,benefits from a healthy <br /> downtown. Second, a strong commitment by local <br /> government, in conjunction with a well-organized and active <br /> private sector, is essential for successful downtown <br /> development. Third, it is important for state government to <br /> be on board too. Many states have established either a State <br /> main Street Office or an Office of Downtown Development for <br /> • the purpose of providing much needed technical assistance <br /> and financial recourses to support local downtown <br /> revitalization efforts. <br /> toolbox_2/tools/downtown trends.cfm 6/21/2002 <br />