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Downtown Revitalization Project <br /> May 28,2002 HRA Meeting <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br /> III <br /> Recent communication efforts with the public about the revitalization project have included <br /> staff's attendance and status report to the River's Edge Downtown Business Association, as <br /> well as a recent press release announcing the submittal of proposals and forecasting the city's <br /> review process. <br /> 6.2 Presentation of Historic Contexts Study & Phase II Inventory <br /> At its November 2001 meeting, the HRA hired Ms. Carole Zellie, of Landscape Research, <br /> Inc., to complete a Historic Contexts Study of the City of Elk River and a Phase II <br /> Inventory in the downtown redevelopment study area. The purpose of the study was to <br /> identify the historical themes significant to the heritage and development of Elk River, as <br /> well as to determine which buildings in the downtown redevelopment study area are <br /> potentially historically significant. <br /> Ms. Carole Zellie will present the findings of the Historic Contexts Study and Phase II <br /> Inventory at this joint meeting. <br /> The Phase II Historic Resources Inventory of Downtown Elk River suggests the following: <br /> • Consider developing design guidelines with turn-of-the-century characteristics <br /> including pedestrian-oriented size and scale,integrity of original street grid and <br /> relationship to the river, and the arrangement of buildings around Jackson Square. <br /> • Consider potential restoration and adaptive re-use of significant buildings. <br /> • The attached article explains the federal Section 106 process is triggered by undertakings on <br /> federal property and to undertakings on other properties that require the issuance of a <br /> federal permit. Since the Mississippi River is designated as a Wild& Scenic River, the <br /> Section 106 regulations may apply to new development being considered on the riverfront. <br /> The federal agency must consider the potential impact on previously identified historic sites <br /> as well as on unknown historic properties that may be affected. <br /> Requested Action <br /> Consider final approval of the Historic Contexts Study. <br /> • <br />