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<br /> Visit us on the web at www.erstarnews.com • Wednesday, May 8, 2002/ Elk River Star News/ 13
<br /> AREA
<br /> Habitat: Construction project gives students pride
<br /> Continued from page 1 II,Vgfk-k.,,,s
<br /> buv� 3`. t L `'.fx
<br /> ended up endorsing the ' -! - '` ` B m
<br /> school's grant. i. * -, ° . y
<br /> "They (students) started ;" r f 3 - �. cs {:
<br /> out building houses for 4 - .- `
<br /> wood ducks and now .T
<br /> they're building a home for f ' , . .�
<br /> a family," said Greenlund. i , 1 f ,-n
<br /> "That's a pretty exciting ' F, u #4
<br /> jump" ' ')T , �y
<br /> Volunteers build Habitat -
<br /> homes under trained
<br /> supervision. Individual, >
<br /> corporate, faith groups and s v_ .. ,;., _ . " ° .. , �# ....? i V . .V
<br /> other sources provide From the left are Pete Keiner,vice president of Sherburne
<br /> financial support, materi- County Habitat; Jim Greenlund; Justin, Jessica, Dan, Jeff•
<br /> als and time. For example, and Paula Keener; Rich Egeberg; and Monte Westphal,
<br /> land for the home was Central Minnesota Habitat For Humanity board president.
<br /> donated by Dennis Bishop,
<br /> Livonia Township. were open. said Egeberg. "They're
<br /> Habitat for Humanity is Habitat for Humanity is being exposed to many dif-
<br /> not a give-away program. only one aspect of the stu- ferent careers and are
<br /> Families are chosen accord- dents' service. As part of learning many valuable life
<br /> ing to need. They must AmeriCorps grant require- skills. They work side-by-
<br /> have a down payment, the ments, said Egeberg, the side with contractors and
<br /> ability to make the mort- students also need to repair many other community
<br /> gage payments, and a will- or maintain 40 low-income members. They feel valued
<br /> ingness to work with houses in Sherburne by the community because
<br /> Habitat. The owners are County and serve at area they are needed. That's
<br /> expected to put a certain non-profit organizations. when things change for
<br /> amount of sweat equity Through the grant, stu- them."
<br /> into construction of the dents receive a stipend for Alysha Rudolph, an Ivan
<br /> home. their work, Egeberg said. Sand senior in the
<br /> When complete, the Through the school, they AmeriCorps program, said,
<br /> Livonia Township house receive credit towards "I've learned how to roof
<br /> will become home to Jeff graduating. The students and insulate homes.
<br /> and Paula Keener and their are committed to complete Through AmeriCorps I was
<br /> children, Dan, Jessica and up to 900 hours of service able to reach my academic
<br /> Justin. The Keeners are through AmeriCorps.When goals. I'll be graduating on
<br /> now renting a home in the complete, they earn a mon- time this spring and I'll
<br /> vicinity of where their etary educational award attend the University of
<br /> future home sits. that will go toward further- Minnesota-Morris in the
<br /> The Keener's rental home ing their education. summer."
<br /> is a bit smaller than the The foundation of the "It's the first time,"
<br /> four bedroom dwelling Keener home has been Greenlund noted, "that
<br /> under construction, so the poured. The students AmeriCorps, a school, a
<br /> new home is a dream come helped with that, as well as builders association and
<br /> true. clearing brush from the Habitat have worked
<br /> "It was such a surprise. site. The Keener home will together to help the corn-
<br /> We're real excited about it," be a four-bedroom walk-out munity. It's a very nice tie."
<br /> said Paula. "Our boys will rambler. Garages are not "All the volunteers, part-
<br /> be able to have their own built with Habitat homes. ners, contributors and corn-
<br /> rooms. We had wanted a The homes are built with munity people who partici-
<br /> house but everything we'd no frills added to keep costs pate in this project become
<br /> looked at that we could down to allow homes to be better people knowing
<br /> afford needed a lot of fixing. affordable, enabling more they've helped our commu-
<br /> We could afford the house homes to be built. nity be a better place to
<br /> but we couldn't afford the Once complete, Greenlund live," said Egeberg. "When
<br /> repairs." estimated the home will be it's all said and done, with i
<br /> Jeff and Paula will each worth $140,000–$160,000. this collaboration every-
<br /> put in 300 hours of sweat The Keeners'mortgage will body wins."
<br /> equity into their home. be approximately $50,000. All those who have con
<br /> "I'm sure we'll be doing. Habitat homes are sold at tributed in any way will be
<br /> painting and pounding no profit and no interest is recognized at a later time,
<br /> nails, taping and clean-up charged on the mortgage. said Egeberg.
<br /> — things we know how to The group is committed to Volunteers are needed to
<br /> do,"said Paula. completing the house by supervise at the site. Call
<br /> To be part of the Sept. 1. Egeberg at 763-360-2777.
<br /> AmeriCorps Alternative "Ivan Sand AmeriCorps Greenlund is recruiting
<br /> Building Collaborative pro- students will apply what members for a Habitat
<br /> gram, students had to they are learning on this board of directors. If inter-
<br /> apply through the Ivan project to the real world ested, call him at 763-856-
<br /> Sand School; only 20 spots with hands-on experience," 2355.
<br />