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Board of Adjustments Minutes <br /> March 26,2002 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 3.2. Request by Beth and Mike Willoughby for Side Yard Setback Variance,Public Hearing- <br /> • Case No. V 02-03 <br /> Staff report by Chris Leeseberg. Beth and Mike Willoughby,19619 Tyler Street,request that <br /> a variance be granted to allow a pottery shed/studio to be within the 35 foot front yard <br /> setback and within the 20 foot side yard setback. Mr.Leeseb erg presented a video of the <br /> property, explaining that the property is very unique. He reviewed the location and <br /> construction of the proposed 12'x 16'pottery shed. He noted that the peak of the shed will <br /> be approximately at grade level of Tyler Street. Mr.Leeseberg reviewed the five findings <br /> necessary for granting a variance,and why staff felt each of the findings can be met in this <br /> case. Staff recommends approval of the variance. <br /> Chair Pederson opened the public hearing. <br /> Commissioner Mesich asked how much of a variance is being requested. Mr. Leeseberg <br /> explained that the variance would be for 8 feet from the side yard setback and 26 feet from <br /> the front yard setback. <br /> Mike Willoughby,applicant,19619 Tyler Street,explained the terrain of the site and why <br /> the site was chosen. Mr.Willoughby stated that his wife has health concerns that would <br /> make it difficult for her to navigate the steep slope if the shed where placed closer to the <br /> house. <br /> Commissioner Baker stated that he concurred that the applicant has very few options for <br /> placement of the shed and he is in agreement with staff's recommendation for approval. <br /> • Chair Pederson stated that he feels the lay of the land constitutes a hardship and felt is was <br /> appropriate to support the variance. <br /> Commissioner Franz stated that he did not support the finding of a hardship and felt that <br /> grading and excavation could resolve the issues with the steep slope. <br /> Chair Pederson felt grading of the site would create a significant impact on the site and the <br /> trees. <br /> Mr. Willoughby stated that he did consider excavation and ruled it out because of the <br /> location of the septic system and well head,and possible damage to the foundation of his <br /> home, if he excavated to the south. <br /> Commissioner Franz asked how high the peak of the roof would be beyond the guard rail on <br /> Tyler Street. Mr.Willoughby stated that the peak would be approximately 1 foot above the <br /> rail. <br /> Chair Pederson asked if there was an erosion problem. Mr.Willoughby stated that the area <br /> where the drainfield is was constructed has some minimal erosion but when the vegetation is <br /> re-established,the erosion will be eliminated. <br /> There being no further public comment, Chair Pederson closed the public hearing. <br /> COMMISSIONER BAKER MOVED TO APPROVE THE REQUEST BY BETH <br /> AND MIKE WILLOUGHBY FOR A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD <br /> • <br /> SETBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 9 FEET,AND TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD <br />