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• MEETING OF THE ELK RIVER BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS <br /> HELD AT ELK RIVER CITY HALL <br /> TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2001 <br /> Members Present: Chair Mesich, Commissioners Baker, Chambers, Johnson, Pederson <br /> and Ropp <br /> Members Absent: Commissioner Schuster <br /> Staff Present: Michele McPherson, Director of Planning;Scott Harlicker, Assistant <br /> Planner; Debbie Huebner, Recording Secretary <br /> 1. Call Meeting To Order <br /> Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the meeting of the Elk River Board of <br /> Adjustments was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Mesich. <br /> 2. Consider 1/23/01 Board of Adjustments Agenda <br /> COMMISSIONER PEDERSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 23,2001, BOARD <br /> OF ADJUSTMENTS AGENDA. COMMISSIONER BAKER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE <br /> MOTION CARRIED 6-0. <br /> • 3.1. Request by Moldenhauer Custom Homes for Variance to Maximum Driveway <br /> Width, Public Hearing-Case No. V 01-01 <br /> Staff report by Scott Harlicker. Moldenhauer Custom Homes requests an 8' <br /> variance to the maximum driveway width of 30 feet at the front property line for <br /> property located at 17833 Concord Street (Lot 13, Block 3, Mississippi Oaks 2nd <br /> Addition). Mr. Harlicker reviewed the five findings required for granting a <br /> variance. A letter from the applicant was distributed to the Commission which <br /> stated the applicant's case for hardship. Staff recommends denial of the <br /> variance based on findings listed in the staff report dated January 23, 2001. <br /> Commissioner Baker asked if a 30 foot driveway was shown on the building plans. <br /> Mr. Harlicker stated that it was shown as 30 feet, and that the building inspector <br /> noticed that it was wider than 30 feet when he was doing his inspection. <br /> Commissioner Ropp asked if the driveway was already installed. Mr. Harlicker <br /> stated that it was completed. Commissioner Ropp asked if the garage was larger <br /> than normal. Mr. Harlicker stated that the garage doors and the garage were <br /> sized larger. Commissioner Pederson asked if there were any other over-size <br /> driveways in the neighborhood. Mr. Harlicker stated that he was not aware of <br /> any others. <br /> Chair Mesich opened the public hearing. <br /> Gordon Moldenhauer, applicant,stated that he was not aware of the maximum <br /> driveway width when he installed the driveway. He explained that the <br /> homeowner requested the additional width because he entertains quite a bit <br />