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Utilities <br />The subject property is not located in the Urban Service District. Although the current project does not <br />require city services, some of the proposed permitted and conditional uses in the XCR district will require <br />city services and this will have to be addressed in the future. <br />Applicable Regulation <br />The issuance of a CUP can be ordered only if the use at the proposed location: <br />7. lY/ill not endanger, injure or detrimentally affect the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate <br />vicinity or the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience orgeneral welfare of the neighborhood or the city. <br />2. Weill be consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />3. Weill not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property. <br />4. Will be served adequately by and will not adversely affect essential public facilities and services including <br />streets, police and fire protection, drainage, refuse disposal, water and sewer ystems, parks and schools; and <br />will not, in particular, create traffic congestion or interference with trafc on adjacent and neighboring public <br />thorougl fares. <br />5. WIN not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be <br />detrimental to any persons or pmperty because of excessive traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, dust or <br />vibrations. <br />6. Weill not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. <br />7. lY/ill fully comply with all other requirements of this Code, including any applicable requirements and <br />standards for the issuance of a license or permit to establish and operate the proposed use in the city. <br />If denial of such a permit should occur, it shall accompany recommendations or determinations by <br />findings or a report stating how the proposed use does not comply with the standards set forth in Section <br />30 -654. <br />Assuming all of the land use applications are approved as requested, the proposed application appears to <br />meet all of the CUP regulations. <br />Financial Impact <br />None <br />Attachments <br />• Location Map <br />• Applicants Narrative <br />• Various Plans <br />• Environmental Memo dated June 5, 2015 <br />• Engineering Division memo dated June 8, 2015 <br />• Stormwater Coordinator memo dated June 10, 2015 <br />• MnDOT Senior Planner memo dated June 29, 2015 <br />\\D('3- 1il.KR \Shared \13cpartments \CommunitR Development \Planning \Case Piles \CUP \CU 15 -10 RRX \CU 15 -10 sr PC 7- 14- <br />