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• <br /> Summary of Public Concern <br /> Alternative Design Concepts <br /> 12 out of the 30 respondents commented on the alternative design concepts. The <br /> following is a summary of the responses: <br /> Concept A (Accepted by 6 respondents) <br /> • Provides a good amount of parking <br /> • Includes an art building <br /> • Utilizes the riverfront <br /> • Provides a nice mix of housing and retail <br /> • Retains buildings located on Main St. and Jackson <br /> Concept C (Accepted by 3 respondents) <br /> • Preserves the greatest amount of historic buildings <br /> Concept A & C (Accepted by 2 respondents) <br /> • Provides mixed use development <br /> • Concept B (Accepted by 1 respondent) <br /> • Does not disturb homes located on Lowell <br /> Common Concerns (In Descending Order) <br /> 1) General support for preservation of"Historic Elk River" and rehabilitation of older <br /> buildings <br /> 2) General support for the utilization of the riverfront <br /> 3) General parking concerns <br /> 4) General concern for the existing business owners <br /> 5) General housing concerns <br /> Common Suggestions <br /> The four common concerns listed above were also the most common suggestions <br /> expressed in the comment forms. However, the following common suggestions were <br /> also reported: <br /> 1) Keep downtown's green space <br /> 2) Offer low interest loans for property owners to improve upon their buildings <br /> Conclusion <br /> A follow up Q & A Newsletter will be distributed in March. The newsletter will <br /> acknowledge the comments received in the above summary. <br /> • <br />