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PIONEER PRESS • WWW.TWINCITIES.COM LOCAL NEWS <br /> N CITIES n4t`4`'`'... <br /> e '9' <br /> TARES Bonofm®u : or <br /> SINE E T E Mayor <br /> school <br /> lied • <br /> IT yto B St.Paul Mayor I <br /> Pioneer Pr <br /> king Public affairs at a glance urged state lawm: <br /> • day not to cut f <br /> rism charter schools an <br /> he would ask fc <br /> TWIN CITIES change to let the c <br /> a public school for <br /> gee president group Affordable housing faulted welly and lg <br /> toured St .Paul's <br /> ses Sept. 11 Cesar Chavez cha <br /> Legislator doubts agency's suggestions the severity of the problem in a Monday with U.S. <br /> TTHIA BOYD way that would lead to signifi- Secretary Rod Pf <br /> leer Press would fly because of state's budget woes cant movement." visiting several <br /> The recommendations were around the count <br /> e BY MARA H.GOTTFRIED lotion: meant to be pragmatic and to light the new fed( <br /> Pioneer Press • Including a mix of home cover <br /> g points the Legislature tion law signed r <br /> e%.`,0,:; ownership and rental units that would be inclined to approve President Bush. <br /> Private builders need to do are unsubsidized. For instance, this year said Kit Hadley,hous- Charters are <br /> 'f i —1';',."8 more to help solve the afford- in a for-sale housing develop- mg agency commissioner. financed schools <br /> - able housing crisis in the state, went, at least 20 percent of the "Cities and developers are organized by pa <br /> it ir the Minnesota Housing Finance units would have to sell for no pretty polarized and our con- teachers and run 1 <br /> g Agency told the Legislature in a more than the median cost of a cern for more lower price hous- of traditional disti <br /> 's report released Monday. home in the community.The bill ing is so compelling that we tion.First started ir. <br /> 's Hugh Q. But builders say this won't would call for cities to offer need to <br /> Parmer y try to take some steps years ago, the cha <br /> . tackle the real issue of afford- developers reasonable regulato- forward this year," she said. concept has spread <br /> a ability ry accommodations, including "We don't want to over-promise country. Cesar Cha <br /> ifficial of the U.S. "We always said the biggest increased density and smaller that this is some kind of silver in the fall with abc <br /> it International thing the industry could do is lots. bullet.We're just trying to move dents, nearly all <br /> it and newly make housing affordable to • Changing the way cities forward." Latino. <br /> !sident of Min- more groups of people," said pay for road projects necessary Sen. Richard Cohen, DFL-St. <br /> red American Michael Noonan, developers' for development. Paul, who has authored other <br /> nmittee. council chair of the Builders •Shifting the burden of proof legislation dealing with afford- <br /> w.-, <br /> >rist acts of Sept. Association of the Twin Cities. to cities to explain why they able housing, said the recom- <br /> that,he said. "They're (the housing agency) acted as they did if disputes mendations are a start,but they ° <br /> ;ly, in my view, silent on this issue, and the arise with developers. don't go far enough. <br /> y we'll finally do land-supply issue and we ■Requiring cities to consider "The recommendations , " <br /> terrorism is to believe that's a real failure in the costs of local ordinances on would tend to let cities off the <br /> a stake in stabili- the report." housing. hook a little bit and more so f <br /> said Monday."It's The 2001 Legislature asked Representatives of many than I might have hoped," he ; a <br /> are desperate the housing agency to examine parties involved in the advisory said. "They put more emphasis ',. <br /> in training camps affordable housing laws and group, though, say the report on what the private developer , .:' <br /> 1." ordinances throughout the doesn't offer enough real solu- can do rather than what the city ' ,.0 <br /> onprofit,interna- country. An advisory group of tions for the affordable housing should do." <br /> nanitarian aid legislators, builders, city repre- crisis. Considering the emphasis <br /> i,was founded in sentatives and affordable hous- "I was not surprised that we this year on the budget, Cohen <br /> ing advocates met in the fall and were not able to come to a con- said there might be less focus a <br /> e Clinton admin- winter to_develop policy objet- sensus," said Jay Schmitt, co- on policy issues, leaving doubt " " "' <br /> armer led U.S. tives,identifying"production of director of Isaiah, an organiza- for him about whether the <br /> n relief opera- privately developed, unsubsi- tion representing religious affordable housing recommen- U.S. Secretary of I <br /> I to�in Koso- dized affordable housing"as the congregations in the metro area dations would pass. gartners David Sam <br /> ie 11 in_Hon- most important. and St.Cloud. Nina Cerda during <br /> Nicaragua, and On Monday the housing "The builders and the cities, Mara H. Gottfried can be reached charter school in St <br /> Ethiopia and agency recommended several while they have legitimate con- at mgottfried <br /> points to be considered for legis- terns, are not grappling with or(651)228-5262. <br /> upports a 25-year <br /> aid partnership ST• <br /> overnment and STATE CAPITOL <br /> onprofit charita- Teachers ap] <br /> tions and praises <br /> PrODOSd laws foeus on kids'wtl fi rP nronosecl <br />