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Downtown Riverfront Revitalisation <br /> Planning and Project History <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br /> • c. Activities &Events Goals: Heritage Festival, develop winter festival, develop <br /> mural event <br /> d. Business Activity Goal: complete market analysis <br /> 1999 The EDA, Council, and HRA review the Strategic Plan for Economic Development <br /> and lower downtown's priority. <br /> Summer 2000 King and Main is sold to the First National Bank of Elk River,which plans to <br /> construct an office building on the site. Downtown is listed as a top priority at <br /> Operation ER's October meeting. <br /> Fall 2000 HRA authorizes staff to complete Downtown Redevelopment Plan to identify priority <br /> redevelopment sites and guide desired development. Plan to include inventory of <br /> properties, conditions,vision and implementation. <br /> 2001 <br /> March HRA directs staff to research details of two Main Street properties for sale (ECM <br /> Publishers) <br /> April HRA considers information on property sale and directs staff to work with private <br /> developers for redevelopment proposals for the site/area. Staff sends listing agent a <br /> list of developers specializing in retail/office mixed use developments. <br /> • April Staff receives interest in redevelopment from property owner,Nadeau's, and interest <br /> from two developers: Kraus-Anderson/Best&Hempel and Marly <br /> Glines/Dynamics Design. <br /> May Joint worksession between HRA,Planning Commission&River's Edge Assoc. <br /> Staff presents results of market analysis, and assessment of building condition& <br /> historic significance for discussion of redevelopment opportunities. <br /> May Staff request preliminary development concepts from two interested developers for <br /> review and discussion by HRA. Riverfront property owners notified of developer <br /> interest. <br /> May HRA authorizes the completion of new paver brick sidewalks in the CBD in <br /> conjunction with Municipal Utilities electric line relocation project. New trash <br /> receptacles, trees, and flower pots added to beautify downtown. <br /> June Joint worksession with HRA,Planning Commission&River's Edge Assoc. Priority <br /> projects and design principles ranked. Group identifys the redevelopment of ECM <br /> Publisher/Riverfront property as a priority project. <br /> HRA considers presentation of development concept by Best&Hempel. <br /> • HRA provides feedback and requests additional information on development <br /> concept including: <br />