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SUNDAY,JANUARY 20.2002 METRO/STATE <br /> HOUSING from B1 <br /> What's affordable? <br /> Study found many cities The Metropolitan Council the regional planning ageono <br /> cy-uses the federal definition that a house or apartment <br /> is affordable if it consumes no more than 30 percent of a <br /> haven t met their pledges household's income.;The council also has defined what in- <br /> come levels it means when it talks about housing counted <br /> Their proposed legal targets designated by cities for high- as affordable under.the Livable Communities Act. <br /> would be the Met Council and density housing — which is 14' Rental housing has to cost$7l.5 per.month or less, <br /> the city of Eagan,which has de- mostly likely to be affordable an amount considered attainable for people earning 50 per_ <br /> d ined to participate in the —actually got affordable units. cent or toss of the region's median income.That's$37,500 <br /> council's affordable-housing The report's authors blame for a'family of four,or$26,150 for aperson living alone:. <br /> program. that on lack of follow-through - Ownership housing has to sell:for no more than <br /> The legal effort involves by the Met Council and by cit- $134,250,an amount considered attainable for people <br /> some of the same people who ies. earning 80 percent or less of the median income,That's <br /> helped launch the successful Said Goetz: Some of our $52,500 forafamily of four or$36,750 for a person living <br /> 1992 discrimination suit that city officials were very sur alone, <br /> led to the razing and redevel- prised about what their plans <br /> illopment of public-housing pro- said they were going to do." <br /> jects on Minneapolis' North Housing advocates have organizer and Met Council "how." <br /> Side. Like that suit, which met with Met Council repre- member from south Minne- Indeed,an affordable-hous- <br /> brought$118 million in federal sentatives a half-dozen times apolis. But he said of the Liv- ing task force dominated by <br /> aid and opened some suburbs to push the case for more vig- able Communities Act: "I just suburban mayors in 2000 pro- <br /> to public housing, the impact orous action. Russ Adams, di- don't think it's enough." posed aligning council spend- <br /> of a new suit could ripple rector of the Alliance for Met- ing with how suburbs perform <br /> across the entire metro area. ropolitan Stability—the point Falling short in meeting housing goals. <br /> What the study found organization for advocates — Some 103 cities have signed Mondale also notes that last <br /> said he thinks that the council up for the housing goals. But year some legislators tried to <br /> Until about 1983, the Met is taking the issue much more housing advocates suggest that strip the council of an y land- <br /> Council routinely reviewed a seriously than in the past. the goals are too timid,merely use planning authority and <br /> city's housing performance Mondale has championed reflecting existing conditions. tried to deny its ability to tie <br /> when it applied for federal aid. the Met Council's use of the Even the council's own esti- transportation funding to oth- <br /> But then the federal govern- Livable Communities Act, mates show that both goals erfactors. <br /> ment slashed housing subsi- which he sponsored in 1995 as and estimated production un- He said he hasn't yet seen a <br /> dies and other aid,and political a state senator.The law allows der the Livable Communities copy of the university report, <br /> winds changed in the state and communities to set goals for af- Act fall well short of existing which is nearing publication <br /> region. Resistance in suburbs fordable and life-cycle housing need, much less the added after more than a year of re- <br /> to low- and moderate-income in order to qualify for$81 mil- need expected by Metro'Plus search. <br /> housing also stiffened as racial lion in grants given so far for the council raised its He said he wishes housing <br /> minorities began to make up an mixed-income,high-density or growth estimates last week, advocates showed up at the <br /> increasing proportion of the affordable housing. meaning the affordable-hous- Capitol to help fend off such at- <br /> urban poor in the 1980s, ac- In addition, the council re- ing gap also should increase. tacks. "We're over there fight- <br /> cording to Ed Goetz,one of the cently has tied $75 million in "The crisis is so bad that ing for truth and justice and <br /> university researchers. federal transportation funding we're going to have to move to we're alone,"he said, although <br /> The researchers recently to how cities and counties per- something stronger," Adams Adams cited instances to the <br /> studied a sample of 25 cities form on affordable-housing is- said. contrary. <br /> that long ago pledged in their sues. And though it hasn't But Mondale sees things Mondale said he thinks the <br /> growth plans to accommodate worked out the details, it has differently. He said the Livable potential lawsuit is "a stretch <br /> illaffordable housing. They used adopted a policy that other re- Communities Act wasn't de- legally." But if it prevailed and <br /> surveys of developed parcels, gional investments, such as signed to solve a housing crisis brought fresh federal money as <br /> interviews with metro and city park spending, need to be but rather to get metro cities the public-housing suit did,he <br /> officials and developers, and made in accordance with a working toward a common said, he wishes advocates suc- <br /> reviews of comprehensive city's housing performance. goal "so there are very few Ea- cess. <br /> plans. "That's a sea change from gans." Moreover, he asserts, it <br /> The report is still being re- the previous Metropolitan has helped change the debate —SteveBrandt is at <br /> vised,but the study found that Council," said Frank Horn- on affordable housing in most sbrandt <br /> only six of every 100 acres long stein, an affordable-housing, suburbs from "whether" to or 612-673-4438. <br />