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Rivers Edge Downtown Business Association Minutes <br /> July 14, 2004 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 8AM at the Elk River Chamber of Commerce Meeting Room. <br /> Attending were: Tony Mikols, Heidi Steinmetz, Meryl Gisselquist, Cliff Lundberg,Patti Hipsag, <br /> Marlys Ellingson and Wendy Simenson <br /> Secretary's Report: The minutes from the last meeting were accepted. <br /> Treasurer's Report: The Balance is $2535.23. Recent additions have come from the garage sale <br /> ($650.90). Recent subtractions have been for flowers ($404.00) <br /> Old Business <br /> City Update: Meryl asked Heidi to explain Tax Increment Financing (TIF) since the establishment <br /> of a TIF District is part of the project. As stated in the June 2004 Downtown Revitalization Q & A <br /> Newsletter, "TIF is a financing tool created by the MN Legislature in the 1970s to help encourage <br /> development and redevelopment of underutilized and/or blighted properties. Under TIF, property <br /> tax revenue equivalent to what the current property generates continues to go to all taxing <br /> jurisdictions. The portion of the tax revenue that results from the increased value of the new <br /> development, also called the "tax increment", is used to pay site costs such as acquisition, <br /> demolition, water, sewer, and street improvements. Once the site costs have been paid, the tax <br /> increment goes to the taxing jurisdictions." <br /> Heidi told us that the HRA was holding a visioning work session on June 30th to discuss a <br /> S redevelopment plan for downtown north of Hwy 10. City Staff will then take the results of the work <br /> session and put together concept options for HRA review this Fall. <br /> Since there are properties adjacent to the downtown post office available, Tony questioned whether <br /> the post office would consider expanding downtown rather than relocating. Post offices are <br /> governed by the Federal Government. We need to find out the best way to forward his suggestion. <br /> Garage Sale: Meryl reported that the garage sale was a success. Items are still being sold as she is <br /> emptying out the building. Estimated final revenue is $830.00. Unsold items will be donated to <br /> GoodWill in Elk River. We would not have had the success that we had without Meryl's hard, <br /> work. Make sure to thank her for her efforts. <br /> Flower Pots: Meryl has planted all of the pots with roses and dianthus using the Minnesota <br /> Landscape Arboretum's 2004 color scheme. Most of these plants will be moved to the Handke <br /> Stadium perennial garden in the fall, the remainder will be planted at the Chamber of Commerce. <br /> Steve Eid from Steve's Nursery in Elk River has said he would help with the planting and a mystery <br /> path at the stadium. Tina from Natural Expressions has donated recognition plaques for businesses <br /> participating in the adopt a pot program and helping pay for the plants. <br /> The adopt-a-pot program will continue for the next year. If you sign a contract to faithfully water <br /> the pot during the summer and give $20.00 for a mum to be planted in the pot in September, you <br /> for the following year. If you have not been <br /> can have a pot placed in front of your business fo t g y y <br /> • contacted by Meryl, you can pick up an adopt-a-pot form at Kemper Drug and drop off your$20.00. <br /> Once again, thanks to Meryl for taking care of buying the plants, planting them and taking care of <br /> the adopt-a-pot program. <br />