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Downtown Revitalization Project <br /> Planning and Project History <br /> Page6of9 <br /> December Regular HRA meeting cancelled due to lack of pressing agenda items. <br /> 2003 • <br /> January The HRA held a joint meeting with the Heritage Preservation Commission regarding <br /> recommendations of local historic significance in the downtown area. While the <br /> HPC noted many of the buildings in the downtown are may have local historic <br /> significance, the HRA-directed the developer, MetroPlains, to proceed with the <br /> original proposal area. The HRA further directed the developer to explore the <br /> feasibility of renovation and reuse of the former Cinema Building and Dick's Main <br /> Tap prior to including as part of the redevelopment project. MetroPlains has <br /> indicated that the two buildings are not presently being considered in the proposed <br /> project areas. The HRA approves a policy on interfund loans for a downtown TIF <br /> district. <br /> February Staff provided update to HRA on the project communications and status of the tax <br /> increment financing eligibility assessment activities. <br /> March MetroPlains requests the HRA's consideration of a 6-month extension on the <br /> preliminary redevelopment agreement timeframe. HRA reviews draft of new <br /> downtown district zoning standards. HRA requests revisions and a second review. <br /> April HRA approves 6-month extension of preliminary redevelopment agreement <br /> timeframe. HRA calls special meeting for June to hear MetroPlains' presentation on <br /> redevelopment plan options. <br /> May 4`h edition of Downtown Revitalization Q&A Newsletter distributed via Elk River <br /> Star News insert. HRA considers proposal from property owner for the purchase <br /> 641 Main Street. HRA consensus to not purchase 641 Main Street at this time. <br /> June MetroPlains Development presents design concept options at the HRA Special <br /> Meeting. HRA directs MetroPlains to proceed in taking the design concept for <br /> Jackson Block and Bluff Block to a public open house for feedback. <br /> June Public Open House held at Lion's Park Center, 6 - 8:00 p.m. Comment forms <br /> provided for staff to collect feedback to compile and share with the HRA and <br /> Council. <br /> June MetroPlains Development presents design concept options at the City Council <br /> Meeting. <br /> June City staff presents comment forms and summary at the HRA Special Meeting. <br /> HRA directs city staff and MetroPlains to prepare a list of Development Agreement <br /> issues that would be brought back to the HRA for consideration. <br /> • <br />