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Program Description and Resources <br /> Frequently, when communities undertake a Actionable Goals: Practical goals and new resources <br /> prehensive planning process, they have limited will result in the implementation of strong projects that <br /> INV urces and staff capacity. Consequently, resulting demonstrate the new vision for the community. <br /> plans often fail to engage citizens in a meaningful way <br /> and may lack effective implementation strategies. Funding for Staff to Implement Plan: Participating <br /> The GCI program will help communities plan and communities will receive access to funding to add <br /> build better communities through: planning or community development staff for a two-year <br /> period following the completion of the plan. <br /> Better Land Use Planning:By accessing higher quality <br /> data, GIS mapping and assessment, and market Capital Funding for Model Projects: Participating <br /> research tools, communities will be able to make more communities will receive priority funding for technical <br /> strategic and informed decisions about managing assistance grants, plus loans for site assembly, <br /> growth. construction financing and homebuyer assistance to <br /> Enhanced Community Participation: By complete one or more demonstration-quality <br /> incorporating principles and methods of community- developments. <br /> based planning,more creative and complete community <br /> participation will inform the planning process and <br /> develop local leadership and knowledge. <br /> Growth Corridor Inititative (GCI) <br /> Phases of Program Support <br /> Maximum GMHF <br /> Funding <br /> Type of Assistance Match Required Available Required Outcome <br /> Creation or,Update of <br /> Community Planning <br /> ase 1 1 to 1 Up to$50,000 Comprehensive Plan and Ten-Year <br /> Assistance Housing Action Plan <br /> Up to Implementation of Comprehensive <br /> Phase 2 Staff/Capacity Building 1 to 1 $25,000/year for Plan and Ten Year Housing <br /> two years ' Action Plan , <br /> Y , 4 t -I r 3;''' at<on of a ®eta fed 'a at <br /> GCI Model Pro ect t r -ki 7 z r s <br /> Phase 3 ���� ��°��� ��� ����ti � '� `� *� Land � � Uri' tz 25,OOQ � � � . 4 .,� �.���� Ems. � ti� <br /> X �- Technical 1 s`sistance _.:' r= �ilodele a Hous g vet t�pment(s <br /> -`°"a e r `&"�' g d s P '" 10 (. }�-a:a +.' y ? '. iq -iDevele me.-nt of o'd le Ho ' ing ^ <br /> x . � ; 7 ' .k` 'Up to$1 ,000/P orient of odel` °t ous n <br /> •Pha Ca ltal Funding , u g public an . affordable unit p <br /> ( 14 M i y pnvate:fundi g) , 4 Pr ject(s mot.:;,.:1 ,54,_;:;_-'--- <br /> Program Phases <br /> The Growth Corridor Initiative (GCI) is a four phased Phase 2 I Resources for Implementation through <br /> program that helps communities plan for future capacity building grants to cities. GMHF will provide <br /> development through a community-based planning two years of support for local planning and development <br /> process. <br /> staff or contract personnel to manage the implementation <br /> of pending housing projects and policy initiatives in <br /> Phase 1 I Resources for Area-Wide Planning Support. selected communities. <br /> The community planning process will address: <br /> • Growth forecasts: Population, households and jobs Phase 3 and 4 Technical Assistance and Capital <br /> • Land use inventory utilizing GIS technology Funding for Model Projects in each community. One or <br /> (Supply and intrinsic suitability for development) more model projects that include at least 70 affordable <br /> e. Community and neighboring community housing units must be identified as part of the larger <br /> participation planning process. Affordable housing must be part of a <br /> • Goals and policies related to growth management larger mixed-income and/or mixed-use development. <br /> • Community vision and master planning <br /> k-� ' Growth Corridor Initiative <br />