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• PRIORITY ISSUE #4: COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT <br /> What is the issue? <br /> - Appropriate locations for additional commercial development <br /> - Types of desired commercial development <br /> - No one wants to locate commercial on Hwy 10 (east/west) <br /> - Large retail or retail clusters require substantial sizes of land <br /> Why an issue? <br /> - Community interest in more options <br /> - No land left for development (nearest is gravel mines and East Hwy 10) <br /> Consequences of doing nothing: <br /> - Residents will shop where there are more options i.e. other cities <br /> - Land will develop as residential (less tax base) <br /> - Existing businesses may move to other cities with critical demand <br /> - Development opportunities will bypass Elk River for other communities <br /> VISION ALTERNATIVES <br /> - Identify the desired types and sizes of commercial development <br /> • - Develop planned commercial corridor(s) that provide development/redevelopment <br /> opportunities to guide future inquiries <br /> - A focus on Hwy 10,retain the existing commercial on Hwy 10 and add to compliment the area <br /> - Identify areas for desired commercial to go,what are the barriers to locating there now,how to <br /> get them where we want them <br /> BARRIERS <br /> • Limited availability of undeveloped land <br /> • Redevelopment/relocation costs <br /> • MnDot Transportation Plans (interchanges) <br /> • Timing of market demand and interest <br /> 11111 <br />