Laserfiche WebLink
• PRIORITY ISSUE #2: CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT <br /> What is the issue? <br /> - Method to define the boundaries <br /> - Determining preferred uses <br /> Why is it an issue? <br /> - Area is divided—no connection <br /> - Lack of an overall plan <br /> - "Historical"issues <br /> Consequences of not addressing: <br /> - Lose ties to the City's past <br /> - Lose "historic" structures <br /> - No connection to the river <br /> - Lose "traditional" uses <br /> - Minimum opportunity for desirable redevelopment <br /> VISION/ALTERNATIVE <br /> • New development/redevelopment <br /> The Bluff Block <br /> - Jackson Square <br /> - Development north of the tracks <br /> - Long range plan for entire CBD <br /> Storefront rehabs <br /> Rear access to businesses <br /> Orientation toward the river <br /> Pedestrian orientation <br /> Service, boutique uses <br /> BARRIERS <br /> Lack of overall plan in "manageable chunks" <br /> May lose some existing businesses <br /> Physical separation (tracks, highway) of the area <br />