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ISSN 0012-5822 Perspectives <br /> iNFORMAll'' <br /> Downtown <br /> Idea Exchange Ten pet peeves about downtowns <br /> Rae publication of the <br /> 0 Downtown Research&Development Center <br /> By Kent Robertson, Ph.D. friendly downtown?Not only will <br /> 28 West 25th Street—8th Floor <br /> New York,NY 10010-2705 this encourage walking,but it also <br /> Phone:(212)228-0246•Fax:(212)228-0376 A line I often use when speak- prolongs a visitor's stay, thus mak- <br /> Email:info ing at workshops or conferences is ing downtown look more vital with <br /> <br /> "I have never met a downtown I increased pedestrian flow in front <br /> Editor didn't like" Having said that, I do of businesses. <br /> Paul Felt, ext. 119 observe many annoying features of Inconsistent store hours.Too <br /> pfelt <br /> the downtowns I visit, whether as frequently there is little consistency <br /> Customer Service a consultant or a tourist. This col- as to when a potential customer <br /> Mary Pagliaroli, ext. 101 <br /> mpagliaroli umn provides me with the opportu- can rely on businesses being open. <br /> nity to vent. It presents 10 of my Varying hours diminishes potential <br /> Reprints and Permissions <br /> Mary Dalessandro,ext. 103 pet peeves about downtowns and spillover because people tend to <br /> mdalessandro downtown development practices, stop at more than one establishment <br /> Publisher features that, unfortunately, I have on a trip. Moreover, many stores <br /> Margaret DeWitt, ext. 106 witnessed far too frequently. have limited evening and Sunday <br /> msdewitt Downtowns oriented more hours, ignoring prime times when <br /> Downtown Idea Exchange®is published twice monthly toward tourists than local resi- busy two-income households prefer <br /> by the Downtown Research&Development Center.The <br /> Center provides news,information and analysis for suc- dents.I understand the importance to shop. <br /> cessful downtown revitalization through its newsletters, of tourism as an economic base for Suburban-looking downtown <br /> books,reports,and website. many downtowns,but some have buildings. You've all seen what <br /> (4)Alexander Communications Group carried this to such an extreme that I'm referring to: Modern-looking <br /> CELEBRATING 50 YEARS• 1954-2004 the needs of and impact upon local buildings that relate poorly to the <br /> ®2004 Alexander Communications Group,Inc.All residents are neglected. If residents street and their neighbors, contain i <br /> rights reserved.No part of this publication may be <br /> reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmit- avoid downtown because it is too uninteresting and frequently blank <br /> ted in any form or by any means,electronic,mechani- crowded with visitors, the business- walls, and appear to be better situ- <br /> cal,photocopying or otherwise,without the prior writ- <br /> ten permission of Alexander Communications Group. es are not marketing toward the ated in a location surrounded by <br /> Subscription Order Form: needs of local residents, or because acres of parking than in a tradition- <br /> parking and traffic regularly over- al downtown. <br /> Please start/renew my one-year flow into nearby residential areas, Downtown business owners <br /> subscription to Downtown Idea then a rebalancing of priorities with their heads in the sand. <br /> Exchange for$197.* <br /> seems in order. Downtown development profession- <br /> NAME The proliferation of indoor als know the type: Business owners <br /> TITLE shopping centers. When located in who fail to keep up to date with mar- <br /> downtown, these developments keting, merchandising, and display <br /> FIRM/ORGANIZATION often are not the economic catalyst trends, and who often do not support <br /> ADDRESS they are promised to be. They tend downtown promotional efforts. In a <br /> CITY STATE ZIP to capture customers inside their downtown I worked with recently, a <br /> walls, greatly reducing any of the retail business was furious about a <br /> PHONE desired spillover to the rest of series of rock and pop concerts that <br /> FAX downtown. were held on the street in front of <br /> EMAIL N15 The lack of places to sit. It their establishment—citing access <br /> MAIL: 28 West 25th Street–8th Floor always amazes me that many difficulty for regular customers <br /> New York,NY iooio downtowns do not provide enough and refused to participate in the <br /> FAX: (212)228-0376 benches, ledges, steps, outdoor events.The ultimate irony was that <br /> fa N PHONE: (800)232-4317 cafes, etc., for people to sit. Isn't it the store specialized in selling CDs <br /> EMAIL: <br /> clear to everyone that ample places and other music-related merchandise <br /> *North America,$197.Elsewhere,$227 <br /> (includes airmail delivery). to sit are essential to a pedestrian- to fans of rock music! <br /> 2 Downtown Idea Exchange • September 15, 2004 <br />