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• Rivers Edge Meeting: Challenge and Solution List <br /> Challenge: Control construction workers parking so that present businesses can exist: <br /> Solution: Off site parking—shuttle service—ticket those vehicles that don't comply. <br /> Challenge: Provide adequate additional parking for employees and customers. <br /> Solution: Expand main lot behind brick block—identify employee vehicles and have <br /> police monitor for commuter and construction parking. <br /> Challenge: Lower than normal ratio of parking stalls for this development compared to <br /> other developments in Elk River <br /> Solution: Encourage Elk River City Council to increase the ratio to be equal to other <br /> developments. <br /> Challenge: Identify staging areas to reduce adverse effects on present businesses. <br /> Solution: Shuttles -work nights and weekends to stay away from peak shopping times <br /> Challenge: Road closures and traffic snarls impairing access and discouraging people <br /> from coming downtown. <br /> Solutions: Schedule work that will block the roads at non peak traffic times,preferably in <br /> the evenings and on weekends. Coordinate all of the construction entities so that road <br /> closures are kept to a minimum. Penalize the contractors/subcontractors for causing <br /> excessive road closures and delays. Never allow Jackson Avenue and Main Street to be <br /> closed at the same time. <br /> Challenge: Use of heavy equipment causing vibration and structural damage to existing <br /> buildings downtown. <br /> Solution: Require contractor to carry insurance to cover damage to downtown buildings <br /> caused by vibrations and ground shifting when they dig up the ground downtown for <br /> underground parking. <br /> i <br />