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ISSN 0012-5822 !- <br /> Downtown® What can downtowns learn —continued from page 1 <br /> Idea Exchange <br /> aa publication of the as a problem,"Gordon says. "Power- business function of a downtown,and <br /> owntown Research&Development Center ful trends are usually best accommo- the fact that people like to go where <br /> 28 West 25th Street 8th Floor dated rather than resisted." there is activity:business activity, <br /> New York,NY 10010-2705 Another lesson is that rather other kinds of activity, special events. <br /> Phone:(212)228-0246•Fax:(212)228-0376 <br /> than imposing central,top-down If you have something that's going to <br /> planning by politicians, he adds, attract large numbers of people fre- <br /> Editor downtowns can best keep pace with quently in your downtown area,then <br /> Paul Felt,ext 119 market forces by what he calls "bot- you have an opportunity for the retail- <br /> pfelt tom-up planning"—following the ers downtown to do well" <br /> Customer Service lead of"profit-seeking developers <br /> Mary Pagliaroli,ext.101 with a keen ear to the ground, stir- Study successful <br /> mpa gliaroli business areas <br /> viving by correctly anticipating con- <br /> and Permissions sumers'quickly changing tastes." The second tenet of Gann's <br /> Mary Dalessandro,ext.103 Market Street approach is to learn <br /> mdalessandr o Downtown is a business area, <br /> from those business areas that are <br /> Publisher not a museum especially successful today. Nothing <br /> Margaret DeWitt, ext.106 <br /> msdewitt "Imitation is the sincerest form succeeds like success, so study the <br /> of flattery, and lifestyle centers are best management practices in retail <br /> Downtown Idea Exchange®is published twice monthly <br /> by the Downtown Research&Development Center.The imitating, at least in their physical to guide downtown management <br /> Center provides news,information and analysis for suc appearance, what the old down- initiatives. <br /> cessful downtown revitalization through its newsletters, <br /> books,reports,and Website towns were like," says community While downtown cannot compel <br /> �` and economic development consul- its business owners to maintain uni- <br /> ,�Alexander Communications Group <br /> CELEBRATING 50 YEARS• 954-2004 tant John L. Gann, Jr, president of form store hours as a mall developer <br /> Ilk Gann Associates. can, a downtown can "educate them <br /> 004 Alexander Communications Group,Inc.All "while reserved.No part of this publication may be However, while lifestyle cen- as to why the lifestyle centers and <br /> reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmit- ters have the old-style architecture other shopping centers are doing so <br /> ted in any form or by any means,electronic,mechani- <br /> cal,photocopying or otherwise,without the prior writ- and format, they're supported by well in competition with down- <br /> ten permission of Alexander Communications Group. strong, upscale retail chains" and town," Gann says. <br /> Subscription Order Form: exemplary management, Gann says. "Convince the independent retail- <br /> Please start renew my one-year There are three management ers in the downtown area that it is to , <br /> subscription to Downtown Idea realities that downtowns must em- their advantage to get a little more <br /> Exchange for$197.* brace in order to thrive, comprising professional and better managed,"he <br /> what Gann describes as a"Market says,which better positions down- <br /> NAME Street" approach to downtown revi- town as a whole to explore and capi- <br /> TITLE talization. talize on its distinctive assets. <br /> First, downtown is a business <br /> FIRM/ORGANIZATION Listen to and serve <br /> area. Downtown should therefore <br /> ADDRESS be chiefly managed as a business the customer <br /> CITY STATE ZIP area—not a"museum of historic The third tenet of Gann's Mar-ket <br /> architecture." Street approach: Customers rule. "As <br /> PHONE "Business places live or die by in a business,downtown's customers <br /> FAX the rules of commerce," Gann says. are the people who provide the funds <br /> EMAIL N15_ "But many downtown programs to keep the enterprise going,"he says. <br /> MAIL: 28 West 25th Street—stn Floor have substituted non-commercial "To succeed, you have to look <br /> New York,NY 10010 values that they've considered to what customers want," says <br /> QI FAX: (212)228-0376 somehow more virtuous." Gann. "Many downtown programs <br /> PHONE: (800)232-4317 "What attracts most people is have taken their eyes off the cus- <br /> lich e EMAIL: info <br /> the contents and not the container," tomer and have instead given priori- <br /> `North America,$197.Elsewhere,$227 <br /> (includes airmail delivery). he says. "You have to focus on the ty to what the planner, urban <br /> 2 Downtown Idea Exchange • September 1, 2004 <br />