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traffic,we'll be able to keep more Get input from street-level contractor and to voice their con- <br /> parking,"which she says merchants businesses cerns. <br /> re interested in. Traffic calming bulb-outs at "Keep everybody informed and <br /> "They understand how much get ideas from what the street-level <br /> Y a half-dozen Central Avenue inter- g <br /> easier it is for somebody to park sections were also implemented businesses want,"Madson advises <br /> right in front of your store and as a result of talking to retailers, other downtowns planning street- <br /> walk in," she says. and appear to have slowed traffic scapes. <br /> Contact:Keli Quinn, Crossroads-La down as intended,Madson says. The BID is encouraging the <br /> Grange Main Street Inc., (502)269- he Great Falls BID will continue handful of restaurants located at <br /> 0126, kquinn bulb-out intersections to place cafe <br /> working closely with the city to <br /> Angled or parallel parking, tinker with traffic light sequencing tables outside their corner establish- <br /> or a combination? and slow traffic further,he adds, ments,Madson adds, as there's no <br /> "so a motorist doesn't have a better downtown feature than peo- <br /> A streetscape in the early ple. Flower pots and public art will <br /> 1990s beautified the main street, straight shot through the greens. <br /> All of this traffic calming also be placed on the bulb outs. <br /> Central Avenue, of downtown With about 8,000 employees in <br /> Great Falls, MT (pop. 56,690 , and parking enhancement work was <br /> (p p. ) the downtown core and nice weath- <br /> with brick pavers, trees, benches, p of a just completed, $800,000 er in season, "pedestrian life is fair- <br /> and "period lighting" that harks project that was funded 75 percent ly active,"he says,but there's room <br /> back to the early 1800s. Charming by the city and 25 percent by the for more. <br /> amenities can go a long way, but BID.During the construction,the Contact:Gregory Madson, Great Falls <br /> a number of retailers said that BID welcomed businesses to attend Business Improvement District, (406)727- <br /> angled rather than parallel parking weekly meetings with the city and 5430,greg • <br /> would help bring more shoppers <br /> to their stores. Insurance man sells downtown <br /> Gregory Madson,director of the <br /> —continued from page 1 <br /> al Falls Business Improvement <br /> District, says he and the BID's mar- fit from an emergency helper point Area business is persuade• <br /> keting director would meet once a of view in a practical sense," D'En- to expand <br /> week for morning coffee and make tremont says. "MEDIC is a group Stacey Blacker, pro. •f <br /> themselves available to downtown of four highly motivated and enthu- Red White & Brew, • e first <br /> business people who wanted to talk siastic bell ringers for our commu- heard good thin: ount <br /> shop. "Parking always seemed to be nity who also have some business Holly's revit. • and turn- <br /> a topic of discussion,"he says. savvy and the personalities to get around fr• ding inspector <br /> The BID undertook an in in front of people and present the frien. pected her first store <br /> house survey of the businesses,he glass half full." in - . n Florence, NJ <br /> "We reach out to [desirable] (pop. <br /> says, and found"there was a really 22 minutes away. <br /> strong interest in having angled businesses, and report back to the In particular, her interest in <br /> parking and slowing traffic."The mayor once we think we've made ount Holly was piqued when her <br /> contact with somebody that sho <br /> traffic calming and parking over- potential,"he says. friend told her about a prominent <br /> haul initiative was born. And D'Entremont is r local family who owns the down- <br /> "We did a test block where we town Bridgetown Pub and Robin's <br /> out to area entrepreneu e <br /> had a combination of angled park- lime in the course o pork as Nest Restaurant, and is especially <br /> ing and parallel parking, and the an insurance ma, supportive of female-owned busi- <br /> public really favored it,"Madson In the ca - ed White nesses at its Mill Race Village <br /> says. He devised a design to alter- &Brew, a -nd wine and enclave of arts and crafts shops. <br /> nate angled parking on the north gourme shop opened in June, So Blacker was receptive to <br /> and south sides of Central Avenue D'E. .nt didn't get the insur- the idea of opening shop in Mount <br /> eery two blocks, with angled . - •e but he did manage to sell Holly when she was in the market <br /> parking on the sides with the ner on expanding to down- for new insurance a year and a half <br /> greater concentration of retailers. • n Mount Holly. later, and Rocky D'Entremont paid <br /> 4 Downtown Idea Exchange • August 1, 2004 <br />