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ISSN 0012-5822 <br /> Downtown® Optimizing traffic -continued from page 1 <br /> 40 Idea Exchange <br /> a publication of the But they typically "treat this as a signal poles that the department of <br /> Downtown Research&Development Center highway and not as a downtown," transportation recently installed in <br /> 28 West 25th Street—8th Floor <br /> she says, "and fail to recognize that the downtown. <br /> New York,NY 10010-2705 <br /> Phone:(212)228-0246•Fax:(212)228-0376 pedestrians are walking around the It helps to be creative in find- <br /> Email:info ' area." ing grants to fund traffic improve- <br />` A$2-million project creating ment projects, Scott says. "Our <br /> Editor bulb-outs at 12 highway intersections niche happened to be pedestrian <br /> Paul Felt, ext. 119 through the downtown recently went safety improvements; find pockets <br /> pfeit to bid and should be complete by that fit and go after them," she rec- <br /> Customer Service this time next year, she says,helping ommends, "and partner with your <br /> Mary Pagliaroli,ext.101 - to correct the safety issue and tap local transportation authority." <br /> <br /> more cars passing through for Contact:Lisa Scott, City of Aberdeen, <br /> Reprints and Permissions business. (360)537-3238, lscott <br /> Mary Dalessandro,ext. 103 <br /> mdalessandra <br /> "The bulb-outs are designed to <br /> make the pedestrian more visible New train whistle regulation <br /> Publisher squeezes Main Street <br /> Margaret DeWitt ext. 106. to the vehicles on the highway by q <br /> msdewitt ? bringing them out into the right- La Grange, KY (pop. 5,680), <br /> Downtown idea Exchange®is published twice monthly of-way," Scott says. "This not only has shared various forms of traffic <br /> by the Downtown Research&Development Center.The decreases the distance that the pe- with a commercial railroad running <br /> Center provides news,information and analysis for suc- <br /> cessful downtown revitalization through its newsletters, destrian has to travel but it also down the middle of its Main Street <br /> books,reports,and website, draws the driver's attention to the since the 1840s—before Henry <br /> i)Alexander Communications Group fact that, `Yes, this is a town, there Ford was even born. <br /> CELEBRATING 50 YEARS• 1954-2004 are pedestrians, maybe I should "The train track is flush with <br /> •2004 Alexander Communications Group,Inc,All slow down.'" the road, and in the narrowest <br /> rights reserved.No part of this publication may be parts of Main Street, the road is <br /> reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmit- p <br /> ted rn any form or by any means,electronic,mechani- Making the case for funding only about 49 feet wide. So there <br /> cal,photocopying or otherwise,without the prim'Writ- <br /> ten permission of Alexander Communications Group. The highway bulb-outs will are times that when the train is <br /> Subscription Order Form: likely benefit public safety as well not coming, we are driving right <br /> as the downtown's image and local on the tracks," says Keli Quinn, , <br /> Please start renew my one-year commerce, but it is the improved executive director, Crossroads-La <br /> subscription to Downtown Idea <br /> Exchange for$197.* safety that Aberdeen leveraged to Grange Main Street Inc. <br /> get funding through the downtown- That scenario would seem <br /> NAME enhancing project, particularly ,far from ideal,but the Main Street as <br /> TITLE through the state department of train street is something of a tourist <br /> transportation(DOT). attraction. "Train enthusiasts visit <br /> FIRM/ORGANIZATION Since receiving a$550,000 from all over the country to take pic- <br /> ADDRESS federal pedestrian safety enhance- tures," Quinn says. "Everyone gets a <br /> CITY STATE ZIP ment grant through the DOT two big kick out of it.We like that, and it <br /> years ago, the city budgeted money is part of our history." <br /> PHONE <br /> for a match to the grants and has With a slow downtown train <br /> FAX been successful in acquiring a fed- speed, and warning bells and flash- <br /> EMAIL N15 eral appropriation from Senator ing lights to alert passersby, the <br /> MAIL: 28 West 25th Street—8th Floor Patty Murray as well as other DOT town has been fortunate with few <br /> New York,NY 10010 grants, Scott says. accidents, Quinn says. But without <br /> QIII FAX: (212)228-0376 Featuring sidewalk lighting, more reliable safety precautions, <br /> 41,U"PHONE: (800)232-4317 ( <br /> EMAIL: infoC� planters,benches, brick pavers, and new federal railroad regulations <br /> *North America,$197.Elsewhere,$227 street trees, the bulb-outs will com- would require trains to sound their <br /> (includes airmail delivery). plement new cantilevered traffic horns as they roll through.And <br /> 2 Downtown Idea Exchange • August 1, 2004 <br />