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Program Description and Resources Goals and Policies: Includes goals and policies related <br /> IIIto growth management and the orderly expansion of its D ,..i,---1- :_ 54, ,_,-7-' 4, It E urban area and the infrastructure systems to support that <br /> a-� e growth, including land use, transportation, community <br /> Frequently, when communities undertake facilities, environmental protection, and housing and <br /> Comprehensive Planning, they have limited resources and economic development. <br /> staff capacity. Consequently, Comprehensive Plans can Conservation Design: Utilizing the Minnesota Land <br /> often be uncharacteristic of the community and impractical Classification System mapping will be the first step for the <br /> to implement. The GCI program will help communities plan community to explore the many advantages of conservation <br /> and build better communities through: design strategies. <br /> Better Land Use Planning: By accessing higher quality Community Vision,a Master Plan for its Future Form, <br /> data, GIS mapping and assessment, and market research Plan Elements: GMHF will very strongly encourage a <br /> tools, communities will be able to make more strategic and master plan for the community's growth areas, which will <br /> informed decisions about managing growth. represent a manifestation of the community's future vision <br /> Enhanced Community Participation:By incorporating as it has emerged from the sustained involvement of the <br /> principles and methods of community-based planning, a public and the rigorous evaluation of numerous alternatives. <br /> more creative and complete community participation <br /> process will develop local leadership and knowledge. . #2: Implementation/Capacity-Building Grants <br /> Actionable Goals:Practical goals and new resources will GMHF will provide "capacity-building" grants to cities <br /> result in implementation of concrete projects that to provide two years of support for local planning and <br /> demonstrate a better vision for the community. development staff or contract personnel to manage the <br /> Funding for Staff to Implement Plan: Participating ~.. implementation of pending housing projects.Up to$25,000 <br /> communities will receive access to funding to add planning per year for a two-year, capacity building grant. Each city <br /> community development staff for a two-year period. would be required to obtain 1:1 matching funds from other <br /> local, philanthropic or state sources. <br /> Capital Funding for Model Project: Participating <br /> communities will receive priority funding for technical #3: Capital Project Funding for Model Projects <br /> assistance grants, plus loans for site assembly, construction <br /> financing and homebuyer assistance to complete one or In each community, one (or more) development <br /> more demonstration-quality developments. project(s) that includes at least 50 affordable housing units <br /> must be identified as part of the larger planning process. <br /> #1: Area-Wide Planning Support Affordable housing units must be part of a larger mixed- <br /> income and/or mixed-use development. GMHF will <br /> GMHF will provide up to$50,000 per community for provide BBN technical assistance funding,and may provide <br /> community-based planning and design assistance through capital funding for construction and homebuyer gap. <br /> a professional planning firm for the creation of long-term <br /> community plans,including creation of a 10-year,affordable GMHF would allocate up to $15,000 per affordable <br /> housing p GMHF will work with cities to raise unit in deferred loans to qualified homebuyers. Projects <br /> additional matching funds(cash or in-kind)of$25,000 from should leverage othe ace of 10:1,including strong <br /> other sources. The community planning process will address: participation of private (mortgage), state, local, and/or <br /> employer dollars. •GMHF will also seek opportunities to <br /> Growth Forecasts: Population, household and job be an equity investor in land required for current or future <br /> growth. housing developments. <br /> Land Inventory, Supply and Intrinsic Suitability: <br /> Mapping and analysis of natural resource systems and #4:Building Better Neighborhoods Planning Support <br /> features using the Minnesota Department of Natural GMHF will provide up to $25,000 of model project <br /> Resources data and mapping; a comprehensive inventory BBN planning support*6)site- specific model projects: <br /> existing land uses utilizing GIS technology; and an <br /> GMHF will award tech• (stance rants for professional <br /> enturousing units by type, age and value. =a g p <br /> services related to sitt ' 4"•n and site design; public <br /> Co' pity and Neighboring Community <br /> infrastructure planning, f,,,`°' ome designs. <br /> Participation and Communications: Several models will <br /> be provided to organize and sustain strong community Technical assistance is provided by GMHF staff and <br /> participation throughout the planning process. contract architects. . <br />