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Minnesota NAHRO on Page 1 of 1 <br /> Minnesota Infoonation aboit the Minnesota chapter <br /> NAHR 41 of the Nationa Association of Housing <br /> and Redevelopment stet . <br /> Online On Contact Info. <br /> Mission Statement <br /> We Believe: <br /> • That people should have an opportunity to access <br /> affordable, decent, safe and sanitary housing in livable <br /> communities <br /> • In the professional delivery and development of publicly <br /> assisted housing and community development programs <br /> • That housing and community development officials should <br /> be informed and educated to best serve the needs of their <br /> communities <br /> • That as a unified group of housing and community <br /> development professionals we are able to advocate for the <br /> • people and the communities we serve. <br /> Our Purpose: <br /> To ensure the provision of decent affordable housing and <br /> livable communities for all Minnesotans. <br /> We will accomplish this purpose through the association of <br /> agencies providing housing and community development <br /> resources <br /> • Creating professional development opportunities for all <br /> members <br /> • Providing advocacy on housing and community <br /> development issues <br /> • Serving as a means for communication, interaction and <br /> an exchange of ideas among housing and community <br /> development professionals <br /> • <br /> sites/minn/mission.html 7/29/2004 <br />