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CITY OF ELK RIVER DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION O&A NEWSLETTER JUNE 2004 <br /> The amount of the actual assistance provided is determined Q. How will the City address parking needs <br /> by an analysis by the City's independent financial advisor. when the Jackson Block is developed? <br /> The financial performance submitted by the developer will A. The City recognizes that since many of the businesses rely• <br /> be analyzed to determine the gap or amount that would be on public parking, adequate and well located parking <br /> necessary to make the development financially feasible. spaces are a key ingredient to the continued vitality of exist- <br /> ing and new businesses in downtown. An important part of <br /> Q. Will providing TIF assistance to the developer the project will be the development of replacement parking <br /> impact my property taxes? by closing the King Avenue access to Highway 10 and <br /> A. No. Because the tax increment comes from only the expanding the parking lot behind Kemper Drug for down- <br /> increased value of the property and the pre-existing level of town businesses and employees. Preliminary designs indi <br /> taxes still continues to be paid to local governments (city, cate approximately 50 additional spaces. The timing of the <br /> county and school district), there should be no impact on replacement parking will be coordinated with the Jackson <br /> your property taxes. Block construction. <br /> Q. Once the final development agreement is <br /> Q. Does MetroPlains own the Bluff Block signed, is the redevelopment a "sure thing"? <br /> property? A. No, there will still be land use and other regulatory <br /> A. MetroPlains is currently negotiating with the Bluff Block prop- approvals, securing of financing, and acquisition of property <br /> erty owners. The negotiation process is a private process that must occur before the development is a"sure thing". <br /> held between MetroPlains and the property owners. Q. How can I stay informed? <br /> A. There are several ways you can stay informed: <br /> Q. What happens if the property owners cannot Attend regular HRA meetings, which are held on the first <br /> •reach an agreement with MetroPlains? g g ' <br /> Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at Elk River City Hall, <br /> A. The City will encourage MetroPlains to reach a voluntary 13065 Orono Parkway. In addition, regular HRA meetings <br /> agreement with property owners. If the developer and the are broadcast live and replayed on ERtV Channel 12. <br /> property owner are unable to reach agreement, a mediator <br /> will be used to assist with the process. If the mediation • Visit the Downtown Revitalization Project Update page of the <br /> process is unsuccessful, the City could pursue the process City's Website located at <br /> of condemnation, but it would only be used as a last resort. • Attend regular Rivers Edge Downtown Business Associations <br /> meetings held on the second Wednesday of each month at <br /> Q. How do the Jackson Block rental housing 8:00 a.m. at the Elk River Area Chamber of Commerce office. <br /> rates compare to the current rental housing • Read the Elk River Star News. Articles on the project fre- <br /> rates in the downtown? quently appear in the Star News and in the City's newsletter, <br /> A. The Jackson Block rates will be$600 to$700 per month, The Current, which is distributed as a Star News insert every <br /> which are slightly higher than the current rental housing other month. <br /> rates in the downtown. Monthly rent payments will be paid in • Contact the Director of Economic Development Cathy <br /> full by the tenant and not subsidized. In today's market- Mehelich or the Assistant Director Heidi Steinmetz at any <br /> place, the Jackson Block must compete with market rate time. The Economic Development Department number is <br /> developments for it to be successful. (763) 635-1040. <br /> . a// <br /> City of <br /> Elk -�-1 <br /> River <br /> 13065 Orono Parkway <br /> Elk River, MN 55330 • <br />