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Discuss Redevelopment Plan for Downtown North of Hwy 10 <br /> June 30,2004 HRA Meeting <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br /> • Current Conditions <br /> Land Use <br /> Downtown north of Hwy 10 has a diverse mix of land uses,including industrial, <br /> public/institutional, office, service,retail,and housing. What types of land uses should be <br /> added or deleted to/from this mix? <br /> Traffic <br /> Traffic issues are another item to consider when planning for this area. The railroad tracks, <br /> Hwy 10, and the Jackson Avenue/Hwy 10 and Main Street/Hwy 10 intersections are traffic <br /> issues to consider. In addition,Mn/DOT has long-term plans for Hwy 10. City Engineer <br /> Terry Maurer will present Mn/DOT's plans at the worksession. What traffic <br /> improvements or changes do you see occurring? <br /> Connections <br /> Another item to consider is the manner in which this area connects to the rest of Downtown <br /> Elk River and the city in general. The Downtown Revitalization Project and overall city <br /> growth will impact the area. What improvements should be undertaken to connect this <br /> area to downtown south of Hwy 10 and to the rest of the city? <br /> Worksession Tasks <br /> In all likelihood, this worksession will be the first of several to formulate a vision and a plan <br /> for downtown north of Hwy 10. For this meeting, staff would like the HRA to focus on the <br /> following two tasks: <br /> • 1. Define the study area boundary <br /> 2. Express a long-term vision for the study area <br /> The HRA must reach a consensus upon the completion of each task. In doing so, staff <br /> recommends that the HRA consider the majority rule. <br /> Define Study Area Boundary <br /> During the recent Economic Development Strategic Planning sessions, discussion took <br /> place regarding the question "What are the geographical boundaries of the Central Business <br /> District?" There were several different answers. This emphasizes the importance of <br /> defining the geographical boundary of downtown north of Hwy 10. Using the aerial photo <br /> provided, draw the study area boundary. <br /> Express Long-Term Vision for Study Area <br /> Picture yourself driving along Jackson Avenue or Main Street north of Hwy 10 in fifteen or <br /> twenty years. What do you see? Is it similar to what you see today or something completely <br /> different? Once the HRA defines the geographic boundaries for the area, the HRA must <br /> brainstorm and develop its vision for the area. Think about land uses, traffic, and <br /> connections. <br /> • <br />