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Economic Development Strategic Plan Worksession Page 2 <br /> May 5,2004 <br /> • 3. Vote on Priority Issues <br /> Mr. Brimeyer asked the group to cast individual, anonymous votes on the ten issues based <br /> on a scale of 1-6 points (6 points as most important and 1 as least important). Below are the <br /> voting results in points,not votes. <br /> Issue Points (not votes) <br /> Industrial development 84 <br /> CBD 50 <br /> Transportation 48 <br /> Commercial development 48 <br /> "Branding"Elk River in order to compete 31 <br /> (what makes Elk River unique?) <br /> East Hwy 10 development 22 <br /> Business retention 22 <br /> Long-term use of gravel mines 16 <br /> Life cycle housing 4 <br /> Cultural/recreation amenities 3 <br /> 4. Discuss Implementation Model <br /> Mr.Brimeyer stated that the top 3 or 4 issues should be considered as priority issues/goals <br /> for an updated Economic Development Strategic Plan. The group discussed the <br /> implementation model for the top two issues: industrial development and the CBD. Below <br /> is a summary of the discussion: <br /> I. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT <br /> What is the issue? <br /> • Type of development preferred <br /> o Manufacturing(value added,highway) <br /> o Increase the tax base <br /> o Increase the employment base <br /> Why is this an issue? <br /> • No new development is happening <br /> • Elk River is not staying competitive <br /> Consequences of doing nothing: <br /> • May lose existing businesses <br /> • Continue to have empty business parks <br /> Industrial Development Vision Alternatives: <br /> • Parks to be tilled with"desirable businesses"... <br /> What makes the businesses desirable? <br /> • Job type <br /> • • Benefits provided <br /> • Career opportunities <br /> • Retirement plans <br />