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)Cal Sunday,Jan. 18, 2004 <br /> Example of an affordable home floor plan Home-buyer classes <br /> Main floor level Central Minnesota Housing <br /> Partnership is offering a series <br /> Dining Living room Second Bedroom <br /> of"Home Stretch"classes to <br /> 9'5"x 10'6" 11'6"x 11'5" bedroom Family room anyone looking to buy a home. <br /> 9'10°x 9'4" The classes focus on first-time . <br /> home-buyer tips,although <br /> ,cr _ �p everyone is welcome.■ <br /> °� ■' ( First The series includes an op- <br /> x bedroom Utility Bath tional session on the Life Cycle <br /> x �■ 10'10"x10'6" <br /> room Housing Program,the first of <br /> Foyer_ — which will be Jan.27.Individu <br /> als or families interested in ap- <br /> plying for the Life Cycle Hous <br /> — ■'' ing Program should complete <br /> Double m"® the Home Stretch program. <br /> garage — Class schedules are: <br /> LO I • Jan.20,27(classes for <br /> this session have already start- , <br /> ed but are still open to people <br /> Source:Croat Kerfeld Homes who want to attend). <br /> Times graphic by Mark Marshall,mmarshall @stcloudtimes • Feb.4,11,18,25. <br /> • March 1,8,15,22. <br /> • April 7,14,21,28. <br /> • May 12,19,26 and June 2. <br /> We have been keeping track of our de- • June 7,14,21,28. <br /> velopers'commitments to the goal. People interested in attending <br /> should call 529-6500. <br /> Since we passed the(affordable hous- Questions about the Life <br /> inordinance,I'd say we're definitely Cycle Housing Program should <br /> g� y l y be directed to the Central <br /> meeting it. Minnesota Housing Partnership <br /> at 259-0393. <br /> Matt Glaesman <br /> St cw d planning director Michael Collins,land manager <br /> for Croat Land Company."Land <br /> phasized at planning commission Sauk Rapids will do a better prices have skyrocketed, and <br /> and City Council meetings. job of creating affordable hous- when city councils have a strict <br /> "We have to live up to what we ing now that some of the details adherence to their requirements, <br /> agreed to do unless something have been set,Schultz said. without giving you money to <br /> changes and we no longer need "I think Sartell has proven it make up for it,it's very difficult." <br /> o this,"Rasmussen said."It can be done,"Schultz said."It's all Croat-Kerfeld Homes is build- <br /> ainly hasn't been an easy a matter of how many incentives ing Sartell's first new affordable <br /> 9ro1 <br /> c ess....There's been a lot of the city is willing to kick in." homes.City leaders have helped <br /> negotiation and reasoning with St.Joseph Mayor Larry Hosch encourage building by reducing <br /> developers?' said more communication is water-access charges and right- <br /> needed among St.Joseph city of-way requirements,he said. <br /> City barriers leaders to put the agreement into Just because the affordable- <br /> Much of 2003 was spent flesh- full effect.Like Sauk Rapids,St. housing pact isn't easy to follow <br /> ing out details of the agreement, Joseph only approved a limited doesn't mean it's not necessary, <br /> including setting an affordable- number of housing develop- Collins said. ' <br /> house price at$131,000 and de- ments in early 'We really believe in the agree- <br /> velo■mg other standards for af- 2003, before ment,"he said.'We think 15 per- <br /> fordable homes,Rasmussen said. the standards <br /> That's part of the reason most of were set. cent isn't enough, and there's <br /> the cities had difficulty meeting "We would more that can be put out there:' <br /> the guidelines. like to meet the 0 Other programs <br /> Sauk Rapids approved three threshold, and i, Cities that have struggled to•housing developments after the the city is�com- <br /> agreement was struck,but ques- mitted,"Hosch Lanz Hosch meet the affordable-housing <br /> tions about the program pre- said. "I think City leaders need goals have taken other measures <br /> vented leaders from making Life one of the to communicate to improve the situation,leaders <br /> Cycle homes,city leaders said. things we need to do is figure out say.That can be just as crucial to <br /> The three developments will in- how to enable developers and housing advocates as actually <br /> elude about 330 homes. homeowners to access this:' breaking ground and building a <br /> But a lack of Life Cycle Hous- new home. <br /> ing units doesn't mean affordable Obstacles 'Ail of the programs in place to <br /> homes aren't available. While the incentives offered by provide affordable housing are <br /> "In 2002,we also produced a Sartell and St.Cloud have helped very important,"Finn said. <br /> number of lots that would easily produce affordable homes,pro- Waite Park received a <br /> come in under the$131,000 price viding them is not necessarily $250,000 grant from the Min- <br /> point,"said Todd Schultz,Sauk easy. nesota Housing Finance Agency <br /> Rapids'community development Developers, many of whom to repair existing homes and sell <br /> director. "Those units didn't were wary about the agreement them to first-time home buyers <br /> count,though,because they came in the first place because they who otherwise might not be able <br /> in before the agreement?' thought it'd be difficult to meet, to afford them. <br /> Schultz has contacted develop- say it's been tough to develop af- Sauk Rapids received a <br /> ers of the already-approved fordable homes because they $49,000 grant last year to help <br /> and asked them aren't able to recoup the costs of qualified homeowners with <br /> ywould make some of their building them. home-improvement projects. <br /> I hborhoods <br /> es adhere to the affordable- "I don't think from a profit Leaders are still waiting for word <br /> housing agreement.It's possible point of view there's any incentive about another$500,000 grant <br /> that will happen,he said. for developers to do this,"said they applied for. <br /> • <br /> • <br />