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Page 2 of 3 <br /> • 4. No one supported the idea of a pedestrian bridge over Highway 10. <br /> 5. There was strong support for the idea of an expanded parking lot behind the Brick <br /> Block whether the proposed development proceeded or not. Most (including <br /> Cinema Building tenants) thought that this would mitigate the loss of the Jackson <br /> Block parking. This support was conditioned on the premise that the expanded <br /> parking would be in place prior to the loss of the Jackson Block and that the lot <br /> would contain an area reserved for employees of the downtown merchants. <br /> 6. There was support to close King access to Highway 10 to accommodate the <br /> expanded parking. Some observed that this would discourage the commuter <br /> parking that presently occurs on this site. One interviewee did indicate that the <br /> loss of King access would degrade traffic flow in the downtown area. <br /> 7. There was minimal support for preserving the Utilities building both because of <br /> perceived lack of historical significance and the need for parking. <br /> 8. There was general support for a parking ramp (two level)behind the Brick Block. <br /> But recognition that the cost may not be justified based on current parking <br /> requirements. <br /> • 9. Most of those interviewed acknowledged that employee on street parking reduced <br /> the available parking for customers. <br /> 10. Two business owners (out of the 15 property and business owners interviewed) <br /> opposed the development on Jackson block under any circumstances. One of <br /> those encouraged the City to evaluate moving the proposed Jackson development <br /> to the north of Highway 10 and across the railroad tracks as a superior location. <br /> 11. There was strong support for a pedestrian countdown timer for the Highway 10 <br /> and Jackson Avenue intersection. <br /> 12. There was mixed, but generally positive, support for the renewed enforcement of <br /> three hour parking limits if reserved parking was provided for employee parking <br /> in the expanded parking lot behind Kemper Drug. <br /> 13. One business identified the potential for creating more private off-street parking, <br /> however cooperation between the City and adjoining property owners would be <br /> required. <br /> • l <br /> 3060 Centre Pointe Drive «Phone» Fax:(651)697-8555 <br /> Roseville,MN 55113-1105 «Email_Address» <br /> <br />