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the Commissioners, including files of the minutes, publications of <br /> meetings, and meeting agendas. The Secretary shall also perform such <br /> • functions as may be deemed necessary by the Chair. <br /> 3.5) Executive Director - The Authority shall appoint an Executive Director <br /> and such other staff, permanent and temporary, that it deems necessary <br /> to carry out the business of the Authority. The Executive Director shall <br /> have the duties and responsibilities delegated by these by-laws and as <br /> assigned by the Authority. <br /> ARTICLE 4. <br /> QUORUM AND VOTING <br /> 4.1) Quorum - A majority of the Commissioners in office at any time shall <br /> constitute a quorum for all purposes. In the case a quorum is not present <br /> at any meeting, those present shall have the power to adjourn the <br /> meeting, without notice or other announcement at the meeting, until the <br /> requisite number of Commissioners is present, and business which might <br /> have been transacted at the meeting which was adjourned may be <br /> transacted at such reconvened meeting. <br /> 4.2) Voting - In addition to a quorum being required for each meeting of the <br /> • Authority in order to transact business, a majority of all of the <br /> Commissioners shall be required to approve any matter before the <br /> Commissioners. <br /> ARTICLE 5. <br /> FINANCE AND CONTRACTS <br /> 5.1) Fiscal Year - The calendar year shall be the fiscal year of the Authority <br /> for general and administrative purposes; provided, however, that other <br /> fiscal years may be established by resolution as required or desirable for <br /> specific purposes or undertakings of the Authority. <br /> 5.2) Budget - The following budgetary proceedings shall apply to the <br /> transaction of business by the Authority: <br /> (01) A budget shall be prepared by the Executive Director. This budget <br /> shall be presented to the Commissioners of the Authority for <br /> consideration in August of each year. <br /> (02) The budget shall include estimated revenues and the source of <br /> • revenues, the costs of the projects for the ensuing year, and the estimated <br /> costs for staff personnel, as well as the general administrative and <br /> overhead costs estimated for the ensuing year, and a proposed levy. <br /> 4 <br />