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INFORMATION <br /> ff , <br /> Downtown o ers <br /> Grand Forks Herald,Sunday, November 16, 2003 <br /> i <br /> cc <br /> comparati ve advantage --___. <br /> GRAND FORKS—The Herald edit- And part of that,argued Hill,is mar- <br /> orial, "Ned Hill, provocative as al- keting downtown Grand Forks and East <br /> ways,"was insightful(Page 4A,Nov.12). Grand Forks to high-tech businesses <br /> There are several lessons we can looking to recruit a young, talented <br /> draw from Hill's assessment of Du- work force. Creative talent own their <br /> luth's economic strengths and chal- intellectual capital, and they're not in- <br /> lenges. There also are ways we're dif- terested in working in a cookie-cutter <br /> ferent, as witnessed through Hill's 2002 environment. They want soul, and they <br /> comments about our community. find it in downtown Grand Forks and <br /> As indicated in the editorial, Hill East Grand Forks. <br /> urged Duluth's city leaders to assess The strength of Hill's comments re- <br /> their community's "comparative advan- garding downtown led the Knight <br /> tages." When in the Grand Cities, Hill Foundation, which supported Hill's <br /> pointed some of ours out;UND and our visit to our communities, to pay for a <br /> aerospace and energy industries make full-time professional staff dedicated to <br /> the list.So does downtown. promoting downtown. In the 19 months <br /> In Hill's words: "Downtown is your since then, the Downtown Leadership <br /> region's greatest asset. I have to tell Group,which had been a strictly volun- <br /> you: I've rarely seen a downtown that teer organization prior to that time,has <br /> looks as good as yours.I'd use this asset made important strides in branding <br /> to your competitive advantage.Your off downtown as an_exciting place to live, <br /> ramps and big-box retailers don't make work and visit through-brochures, <br /> you unique from your competition. newsletters, Web sites, and special <br /> 10 Your downtown does." events such as the Grand Cities tart <br /> Although we sometimes take it for I Fest. <br /> granted, our downtown — brimming I This work benefits downtown to be <br /> with public art, unique restaurants, I sure. But it also fits into Hill's vision„ <br /> boutiques and services—has a soulful I for economic development for Grand <br /> atmosphere. Hill argued it boosts the Forks, East Grand Forks and the re- <br /> quality of life for residents and is an gion. <br /> important"recruit and retain" employ- Timothy-Dittus! <br /> ment strategy for business. I Dittus is chairing the 2003-2004 <br /> In the Duluth editorial, Hill is Downtown Leadership-group. <br /> quoted as saying, "Although communi- <br /> ty-development projects are important, <br /> such as sprucing up (Duluth's) Canal <br /> Park and downtown, community devel- <br /> opment doesn't create businesses that <br /> trade outside the area" True. The im- <br /> portance of primary-sector jobs where <br /> locals own the intellectual property <br /> rights for their product cannot be un- <br /> derstated. <br /> But Hill also comments,"Fundamen- <br /> tal change to encourage economic de- <br /> velopment is not closing deals. The <br /> core of change is building an economic <br /> environment where business wants to <br /> do deals."Part of that is creating a one <br /> stop shop for businesses interested in <br /> relocating or building in the Grand Cit- <br /> ies. <br /> • <br />