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Downtown Revitalization Project <br /> Planning and Project History <br /> Page 2 of 7 <br /> Elk River Riverwalk Project (Brauer&Associates Ltd, Eden Prairie) creates <br /> riverwalk design and financial feasibility for new building proposed for Hardware <br /> store site. <br /> • Create more retail/service traffic via restaurant <br /> • Generate interest in Mississippi River via boardwalk trail <br /> • Develop design standards <br /> 1989 Following the purchase of the Hardware store site, the EDA improves the site for <br /> use as public green space. In 2000, the EDA turns the property over the City for <br /> parkland. <br /> 1990 Riprap is installed along the riverbank in the CBD for erosion control in 1990 and <br /> again in 1995. The project is funded by a grant from the Sherburne County Soil and <br /> Water Conservation District and matched by the City and HRA. <br /> The EDA and Dr. Tony Jarmoluk redevelop the NE corner of Main St. and Lowell <br /> Ave as a new dental clinic. <br /> 1992 The city demolishes the old creamery building and then assists <br /> The chamber in 1994 in relocating their building to the site. <br /> • Parking lot at Jackson Square is improved by the HRA. In 1993 the city purchases the <br /> BNRR parking lots for CBD patrons and the HRA improves one of the lots in 1994. <br /> In 1995,improvements are made to the parking lot behind Kemper Drug. <br /> 1994 A Riverwalk Corridor Committee is formed to spearhead riverwalk effort. A <br /> Riverwalk Plan (Hoisington-Koegler Group Inc.) is developed for the CBD, and is <br /> envisioned for the beginning of a trail system along the river. <br /> • Interpretive walk/bike trail depicting early transportation history of region <br /> 1996 The city applies for an ISTEA grant to fund the Riverwalk Project,but the application <br /> is rejected. Phasing of the project is considered but no action is taken. <br /> 1997 HRA acquires the King and Main site and removes the existing structures. The <br /> proposal to immediately redevelop the site with a 12,000 commercial building falls <br /> though. A number of other concepts for the site are later proposed,but none <br /> materialize. <br /> 1998 The HRA hires Theresa Washburn to lay the foundation for developing a downtown <br /> plan master plan. Ms. Washburn submits the Central Business District Action Plan in <br /> January of 1999. Implementation of the Action Plan begins but participation levels <br /> from citizens drop. <br /> a. Public Improvement Goals: plan to utilize river, art center,pedestrian pathway, <br /> beautification plan <br />