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Downtown Revitalization Project <br /> Planning and Project History <br /> Page 5 of 7 <br /> • April 2nd edition Downtown Revitalization Q &A Newsletter distributed via Elk River <br /> Star News insert. <br /> Pre-proposal meeting was held to provide additional details to developers wishing to <br /> submit proposals. <br /> May Five developers submitted concept proposals for a downtown revitalization project. <br /> Staff conducted reference checks, site visits, and preliminary interviews as part of the <br /> initial proposal evaluation process. Ehlers &Associates provided Tax Increment <br /> Financing projections of each concept proposal. <br /> Carole Zellie of Landscape Research presented the HRA with the Historic Context <br /> Study of the CBD. <br /> June HRA selected MetroPlains,TOLD, and Best&Hempel to interview and scheduled <br /> and open house for public review and comment. <br /> July Open House is held to gather public input on development concepts of three finalist <br /> developers. HRA &City Council completes interview of the three finalist <br /> developers. <br /> August HRA selects MetroPlains for which to enter into a Preliminary Redevelopment <br /> • Agreement. City Council ratifies the HRA's selection of MetroPlains. <br /> September HRA reviews draft of 3rd edition project Q&A newsletter. <br /> Request for Proposals sent to engineering firms for completion of property TIF <br /> redevelopment eligibility assessment services. <br /> October 3rd edition Downtown Revitalization Q &A newsletter distributed via Elk River Star <br /> News insert. <br /> HRA approves Preliminary Redevelopment Agreement with MetroPlains. <br /> HRA and City Council consensus that the HRA will be the lead agency on the <br /> redevelopment project. <br /> November MetroPlains selects JLG Architects for the Elk River project. MetroPlains selects <br /> Ken Brooks of KJB Real Estate Services as the broker to contact property owners <br /> who may be part of development concept area. City mails letter notifying property <br /> owners of possible contact from broker. <br /> HRA authorizes S.E.H. to complete property TIF redevelopment eligibility <br /> assessment services for proposed project area. <br /> December Regular HRA meeting cancelled due to lack of pressing agenda items. <br />