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Ms. Amanda Othoudt May 26, 2015 <br />City of Elk RiverPage 10 <br />G.General Occupancy Rental Market Analysis <br />1.Survey larger (8-units or more) general occupancy rental housing projects, including <br />subsidized (deep subsidy/extremely low income), affordable (shallow subsidy/very <br />low income),workforce housing (80% to 120% of AMI) and market rate develop- <br />ments in the Elk River study area. Map locations of the multifamily housing stock. <br />2.Analyze data collected from the rental survey on year built/remodeled, monthly <br />rents, vacancies, rents per foot, unit types/sizes and features, common area ameni- <br />ties, and resident profiles. <br />3.Inventory pending rental developments in the Elk River area and assess their poten- <br />tial impact on the market. <br />4.Interview owners/managers of rental housing in the area to asses <br />the need for additional rental housing in Elk River. Identify appropriate rental rates <br />and the target markets for new rental construction in the community. <br /> <br />H.Senior Housing Market Analysis <br />1.Inventory existing senior housing developments in the draw area, including subsi- <br />dized (deep subsidy), affordable (shallow subsidy), and market r <br />the study area. Projects will include rental and for-sale active adult, congregate, as- <br />sisted living, and memory care senior housing developments. In n- <br />formation on skilled nursing facilities. Map locations of the senior housing stock. <br />2.Analyze data collected from the survey on year opened, number of units, vacancies, <br />pricing, unit types and features, common-area amenities, services provided (if appli- <br />cable), and resident profile. <br />3.Inventory pending senior developments in the draw area and assestheir potential <br />impact on the market. <br />4.Interview managers/sponsors of senior housing in the draw area t <br />trends and the potential need for additional senior housing or skilled nursing care in <br />Elk River. <br /> <br />I.Conclusions and Recommendations <br />1.Quantify demand for housing (subsidized, affordable, and market rate) in Elk River <br />through 2025 based on projected employment and household growth trends, exist- <br />ing pent-up demand, turnover/mobility, and estimated replacement needs. <br />2.Identify potential target markets for new for-sale, rental, and senior housing. <br />3.Identify potential unmet market niches and discuss the primary d <br />current market situation. <br />4.Based on lot supply and absorption trends, discuss the current s <br />more lots should be platted in order to meet projected demand. <br />5.Suggest an appropriate housing mix by product type (rental, owne <br />price point and discuss the target markets for each. <br />6.Suggest appropriate development concepts in the short-term (developments need- <br />ed by 2020) and long-term (2020 to 2025), including number of units, unit mix, unit <br />sizes, sale prices or monthly rents, and in-unit features and common area amenities. <br />MAXFIELD RESEARCH INC. <br />