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CHECKLIST FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE 5 <br /> • ensure consistent enforcement. They also address having a variety of enforcement <br /> options and targeting enforcement resources. <br /> Yes No <br /> A. Does the city track the number and types of constituent L <br /> complaints regarding property maintenance? <br /> B. Are the requirements of,and standards in, local L J <br /> housing-related codes easily accessible to property owners <br /> who are subject to the codes? <br /> C. Does the city track the number of housing units inspected for L <br /> code violations as a percentage of all housing units (and track <br /> rental units separately as needed)? <br /> D. Has the city created a range of enforcement strategies for p p <br /> code enforcement, including incentives for early compliance <br /> and increasingly severe sanctions for continued <br /> noncompliance? <br /> E. Is an acceptable percentage of code violations resolved ❑ L <br /> through voluntary compliance? <br /> F. Has the city established targets for the amount of time that ❑ ❑ <br /> should pass between when a complaint is filed and when an <br /> • inspection is conducted? Does the city monitor the degree to <br /> which it meets the target? <br /> G. Has the city established timeframes within which violations L ❑ <br /> should be resolved,and does it monitor the degree to which <br /> the timeframes are met? <br /> H. Does the city have written policies and procedures to guide ❑ L <br /> staff in areas such as the standard to which properties should <br /> be inspected, what type of enforcement action to pursue, and <br /> when to escalate enforcement action? <br /> I. Does the city target its housing inspection programs if it has ❑ ❑ <br /> insufficient resources to inspect all housing units? <br /> J. Does the city measure the efficiency of its enforcement 1-- ❑ <br /> activities, such as by monitoring the number of hours spent <br /> per inspection and the number of inspections per total staff <br /> (including administrative staff people),distinguishing among <br /> types of inspections as appropriate? <br /> K. Does the city measure the outcomes of its enforcement ❑ ❑ <br /> activities, such as by monitoring the percentage of inspections <br /> resulting in identified code violations and the percentage with <br /> violations that are brought into compliance with code <br /> • requirements,distinguishing among types of inspections and <br /> violations as appropriate? <br />