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V o tOU) li 1i <br /> oRI- � MAY 2003 <br /> Ve Enhancing Downtown Elk River's Role <br /> As a Vital Retail,Commercial and Residential Area. <br /> Q.What is the latest on the Downtown Q. Do we know at this point what is going to <br /> Revitalization project? happen to the existing businesses in the <br /> A. The Elk River Housing & Redevelopment Authority(HRA) has redevelopment area? <br /> extended its preliminary development agreement with A. Typically in redevelopment projects, some businesses choose <br /> MetroPlains an additional six months to give the developer to stay and some choose to relocate. The developer will work <br /> more time to work out project details. Typically, the preliminary with downtown business owners within the project area to <br /> development agreement phase is a time when the developer identify how they could be incorporated into any plans for revi- <br /> works with the City to identify and work through issues such as talization and redevelopment. For those that do not stay, <br /> financial and market feasibility, project arrangements for acquisition and for relo- <br /> timing, and refinement of a site plan. cation assistance will be offered. <br /> Once the tasks in this phase are com- This Q&A newsletter <br /> pleted, cities enter a final development responds to some Q.When is acquisition of <br /> agreement with the developer. That:is properties likely to occur? <br /> when the planning and zoning o f the recent questions A. It is too early to tell exactly when acqui- <br /> approvals and acquisition and con- about Elk River's sition would occur. Currently, MetroPlains is <br /> struction will occur. working on market and financial feasibility, <br /> downtown revitalization site acquisition details, along with revising <br /> 11E.Why did MetroPlains need the project concept. Final acquisition would <br /> and redevelopynent. <br /> an extension? not occur until after MetroPlains and the <br /> A. Typical redevelopment projects can HRA have signed a final development <br /> take six to 24 months to work through issues. For a redevelop- agreement and that will not occur for at least six months. <br /> ment project to work, it must not only meet community goals, <br /> but also make sense from both a market and financial per- Q. If my business or home must be relocated, <br /> spective. Currently, MetroPlains is working on the market and will I receive financial assistance? <br /> financial feasibility of the project, as well as refining the rede- A. Yes. Businesses and residents that must relocate are provided <br /> velopment concept. Redevelopment is a complex process relocation assistance to help assist with moving costs, as <br /> and the extension gives MetroPlains the time to thoroughly required under the Uniform Relocation Assistance Act.Also, <br /> work through and pull together the various elements of the properties that are purchased for redevelopment must be pur- <br /> project. chased at fair market value. That value is determined by a <br /> professional appraisal. <br /> Q. How does this extension impact the time <br /> frame for the project? Q. Are the tax increment financing (TIF) inspections <br /> A. If all the work of the preliminary development phase is com- of downtown properties completed yet? <br /> pleted within six months, the project can then move to the final A. Yes, the TIF inspections for the redevelopment area have been <br /> development phase. The final development agreement phase completed. The City is in the process of establishing a TIF <br /> is the time during which activities such as planning and zon- District for downtown that will encompass the Downtown <br /> ing approvals, acquisition and construction occur.As a result, Revitalization area and extend beyond it. Developing a TIF <br /> the earliest construction could begin would be sometime in District will enable the City to use TIF funding if it is needed for <br /> 2004. the project. <br /> Q. Is it true that MetroPlains has been meeting Q. My property was inspected. Does that mean <br /> with property owners in the revitalization area? I am a part of the redevelopment project? <br /> W. Yes, MetroPlains has been making initial contacts with proper- A. No, the TIF District will be larger than this redevelopment proj- <br /> ty owners through Ken Brooks of KJB Real Estate Services. ect. The HRA is now in the process of determining the bound- <br /> aries of the TIF district. <br />