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City of Elk River Housing Plan Updated January 2003 <br /> • Housing Strategies <br /> The following strategies outline potential methods in which a community can ensure a balanced <br /> housing stock for its residents. A community should work to maintain a balanced housing stock <br /> to house employees along a continuum of incomes from day care workers to teachers to business <br /> owners. With housing communities can assume three levels of responsibility. The first is at the <br /> policy level in which communities can make changes to local policies and plans to support a <br /> balanced development of housing. The second is at an intermediate level where communities <br /> can provide letters of support, and financial or technical assistance. The final level would be an <br /> advanced level where a community may not only finance a project but assume an ownership role <br /> as well. The following outlines activities along all three levels where a community could <br /> become involved. <br /> Rehabilitation <br /> • Define a target area of Elk River by analyzing age of housing, valuation of housing and <br /> the condition of housing to establish a rehabilitation target area. <br /> • Have information available for residents on programs that are available for housing <br /> rehabilitation including but not limited to Rural Development, Tri-Cap, and MHFA. <br /> • Sponsor an application to the Small Cities Development Program to receive funds for <br /> owner-occupied and rental rehabilitation that can be used by property owners to make <br /> • essential improvements. <br /> Multi-Family Housing <br /> • Identify land/parcels within the community that can be utilized for the development of <br /> multi-family housing. <br /> • Provide financial/resource assistance to projects that will develop affordable rental units. <br /> • Examine sites/areas that can be redeveloped to provide additional housing. <br /> Single-Family Housing <br /> • Develop an inclusionary housing ordinance that sets a standard for affordable housing <br /> development in new subdivisions. <br /> • Provide incentive such as reduced lot sizes, street widths, or fees for developers who <br /> incorporate affordable housing into developments. <br /> • Work with area employers to establish a homeownership savings program. <br /> Other <br /> • Sign resolutions of support for projects that are seeking funding from an outside agency <br /> to develop affordable housing within the Community. <br /> • Make policy changes through the City Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance that <br /> support housing demand. <br /> • Conduct an employee survey to gauge information from employees working in Elk River. <br /> This tool can be used to gather a variety of information on housing, commuting patterns, <br /> • spending patterns, etc. <br /> 6 <br />