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MEETING SCHEDULE FIR FIREFIGHTERS <br /> If you plan to attend any of these meetings, <br /> please call City Hall at 763.441.7420 to <br /> confirm times and locations. <br /> The Elk River Fire paid on call fir. ter <br /> .; ; q1 �� o : Department is in the- - <' process of recruiting new give back heir <br /> firefighter s.Additional commun <br /> Asa a m z €j'v <br /> �� � members are needed to Whe ,'.nsidenng app�F. , . staff both Station#1 and catio i e fire department <br /> " ' �� " � r Station#2. Station#2 is loo , .t where a person <br /> L n ' r ' _ r�� a :' part of the new public safe- 1 in relation to the <br /> 5 ny., � o <br /> construction building currently under igned fire station, place <br /> P � ., �. construction at 13065 f employment, firefighting <br /> ; �. � r, t t Orono Parkway and is <br /> experience, <br /> CPR, first <br /> ° �� expected to open in the responder or EMT trained,• <br /> �P:.l c 1-® summer of 2003. and whether the applicant <br /> � d s , ,;'4,• �`, A paid on-call fire has their employer's per- <br /> ym , w"`�� � y� department has fire' ters mission to attend an emer- <br /> �� � who hold full ti •.s gency call during normal <br /> in/out of the co nity working hours.It is impor- <br /> � _ and only get p while tant that applicants discuss <br /> m � they are at ation for with their employer the fact <br /> an emerge call and/or that they are applying to <br /> 1°-'4,4.8.y <br /> ._ for traini I rills. The citi- join the fire department.717:014 las°1.878 a zens sa • tremendous Applications are available <br /> ° amo_u public taxpayer at City Hall, 13065 Orono <br /> 1 doll. hen a community Parkway; by calling <br /> ° .-- s ;47�" ha' .aid on call vs. a 763.441.7420; or by •visit <br /> ® � ` ` c -r department. Paid on- ing our website at <br /> firefighters must bal- <br /> Election Judges,continued from page 1 ce their work schedule so Applications accepted until <br /> • Tally the election results election judge, take a as not to jeopardize their 4:30 p.m., January 17, <br /> after the polls are closed moment to him or full-time employment.A 2003. <br /> The importance of the her. The orm an <br /> role election judges play in impo ervice for the owntown,continued from page 1 <br /> making the election run co • ity that helps to provide their feedback on bility of the project for a <br /> smoothly is difficult to the democratic the concepts for down- Tax Increment Finan ce <br /> measure. If you know scess work. town," said Cathy District. <br /> someone who served as a Mehelich, Director of For more details on the <br /> Comp plan, continu> om page 2 Economic Development. Downtown Revitalization <br /> "This is a critical time for Project, check out the city's <br /> these workers tray; 30 can be found on the city's people to get involved and website at <br /> minutes or less ac <br /> website: tell us the things that are or contact <br /> their place of •loyment. <br /> The next pub important to them in these Cathy Mehelich at <br /> These fac help us bet- lic workshop is tentativel concepts for our down- 763.441.7420. <br /> ter under how Elk scheduled for February.A town." <br /> River anged. this workshop, you will MetroPlains has been <br /> Thro the comprehensive have the opportunity to making initial contacts with <br /> g process, the city help evaluate alternative property owners in the revi- <br /> consider what these development concepts for talization area through Ken co of <br /> -nds mean for the future. the future of Elk River. Brooks of KJB Real Estate El <br /> More information about Services. In addition, the fiver <br /> the Comprehensive Plan city is examining the eligi- 13065 Orono Parkway <br /> Elk River,MN 55330 <br />