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' , ,, <br /> 1 lb fiw er a ' _,� a z� ., „,11 ry <br /> street <br /> .main <br /> partnering <br /> By Kent Robertson <br /> What is the most integral ingredient for a healthy a� r k *,, <br /> downtown to possess? Professionals working in the $ g � �: <br /> field know that the complex array of economic, ,n ,, +'"� r ' '--;;I:4',-,:::...Y -:h <br /> political, location and cultural forces at play in any 47 „,,-,.,"-;ii,,-*,!, ,Ye <br /> downtown, together with the fact that no two ��i � � <br /> downtowns are alike,renders this questions impos- �� k ” <br /> sible to answer in a simplistic,straightforward mangy ' � 1 <br /> per. Nevertheless, one basic principle is widely ° " P ' z lci,-;',r,t5—L2.41:: .7.2.:'4,;-,R.:',7:!;'.;',7. <br /> agreed upon by most downtown development pro �� $> t ; <br /> fessionals: Strong sustainable partnerships among "ti 7tw�,*,'� 4t :: (t 2 > 7. <br /> the downtown association, local government and :;t:,,,,,',,, ' c "� <br /> other key organizations in the city and region pro- � � � �; � ,,, ,,� �E -�� 'i <br /> T <br /> vide the essential foundation upon which effective - ! = � <br /> revitalization activities can flourish. n _� <br /> Organizations devoted to the revitalization of the <br /> )1- — �. * - <br /> downtown district come in many forms, including � � <br /> downtown development authorities, downtown „ = <br /> associations, merchant groups, Main Street organi- '° <br /> zations (affiliated with the National Main Street <br /> Center) and chambers of commerce. While these <br /> organizations may have different missions, territo An attractive courthouse square on Main Street provides Danville with an enticing resting and <br /> gathering place. <br /> ries,membership and/or funding mechanisms,they <br /> all share the reality that tackling downtown issues <br /> on their own is, at best, a very steep hill to climb. downtown. Third, the amount of resources, both <br /> Establishing and maintaining enduring relation- human and financial, that become available for <br /> ships with other organizations — both private and downtown activities can witness substantial <br /> public — is important for several fundamental rea- increases. Fourth, it promotes efficiency by avoid <br /> sons. First, partnerships help to broaden the base ing duplication of efforts by different organizations. <br /> of support for the downtown. Some <br /> es a down- <br /> both artnershi s yield a reater number of eo <br /> P P Yl g p <br /> town organization's agenda can appear as narrow pie —dui) <br /> both professionals and volunteers — to work <br /> and self-serving: Broadening the support base can on downtown events and projects; given how <br /> help reduce this perception and strengthen the understaffed many downtown organizations are, Kent Robertson is professor <br /> of community development <br /> chances of securing grants, favorable political deci this becomes especially significant. at St.Cloud State University <br /> slops and general support in the community for This article examines the role that partnerships (Minnesota). He has pub- <br /> downtown projects. Second, partnerships can cre- played in the successful revitalization of down fished over 25 articles on <br /> ate more stakeholders in the community who care towns in Danville, Kentucky, and St. Charles, downtown development <br /> about what happens in the downtown. The more and has led workshops on <br /> people with a stake in downtown, the strop er the Illinois. Both of these communities have been this topic across the United <br /> g designated as Great American Main Street Award States. He can be contacted <br /> at kent <br /> A KEY TO SUCCESSFUL DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION <br /> Healthy downtowns require strong partnerships among significant downtown stakeholders, which include the <br /> downtown organization, city government, local institutions, and civic and business organizations, among others. <br /> his article profiles how partnerships were forged and the pivotal role they have played in the successful downtown <br /> his <br /> efforts of two Main Street communities:Danville, Kentucky, and St. Charles, Illinois. Furthermore, a <br /> series of principles that underscore effective and sustainable downtown partnerships are presented that, together <br /> with the case studies, should be instructive to downtown development efforts in other communities. <br /> Economic Development Journal /Fall 2002 53 <br />