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TO: PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br /> icy of 'N, FROM: PATRICK KLAERS, CITY ADMINISTRATOR <br /> lk : River DATE: AUGUST 31 , 1989 <br /> SUBJECT: AGENDA MEMO <br /> The next Park and Recreation Commission meeting is scheduled for <br /> Wednesday, September 6 , 1989 , at 7: 00 p.m. at the Elk River City <br /> Hall Conference Room. <br /> Attached for your information are the draft August 2, 1989 , Park <br /> and Recreation Commission minutes. Also, attached for your <br /> information is some background information for agenda item #7 .B. <br /> (the one acre apartment complex park that is located east of <br /> Highway 169 and south of 5th Street) and two copies of recent <br /> newspaper articles that relate to park and recreation in two <br /> metropolitan suburbs. <br /> 4 .1 . The City has been approached by representatives of the <br /> high school cross-country skiing team to add additional , <br /> more challenging ski trails to the cross-country skiing <br /> trails that were developed last year by Phil Hals on the <br /> Elk River Golf Course and the Woodland Trails Park . The <br /> location of the more challenging environment where the <br /> • school would like to see trails developed is on private <br /> property which is owned by more than one individual . If <br /> the City is not involved in the development of these <br /> trails, then the trails are officially not part of the <br /> City cross-country skiing system and, therefore, not a <br /> concern of the City insurance agent. The liability for <br /> these trails would lie • with the individual property <br /> owners . It is my understanding that the school would have <br /> to rent, at a minimal cost, the equipment from the City to <br /> develop the cross-country skiing trails. Additionally, <br /> the school, and not the City, would have to maintain these <br /> trails. As long as the City is not involved in any <br /> activity on private property then the trails are not part <br /> of the City' s system and not covered under the City <br /> insurance policy. One of the cross-country skiing <br /> coaches, Mike Niziolek , is anticipated to attend this <br /> meeting, as is Finance Director, Lori Johnson, to discuss <br /> from the City' s point-of-view our insurance concerns with <br /> this endeavor. <br /> 5 . The major focus of this meeting should be a discussion <br /> with the recently hired Parks Master Plan Consultant , Mr. <br /> William Sanders. Mr. Sanders has met with myself to <br /> discuss, in general terms, the City' s Park and Recreation <br /> programs. Additionally, Mr. Sanders has taken a tour of <br /> the city park with Park Superintendent, Phil Hals . Also, <br /> Mr. Sanders and Charlie Blesener are anticipated to meet <br /> at approximately 6: 15 on 9/6/89 to discuss the City' s <br /> recreation programs. <br /> 720 Dodge Avenue N.W., Elk River, Minnesota 55330 (612) 441-7420 <br />