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Elk River -'�-1 <br /> Municipal Utilities <br /> 7.6 PERFORMANCE METRICS AND INCENTIVE COMPENSATION POLICY <br /> 1.0 Purpose and Summary <br /> The successful performance of the ERMU is measured in terms of the Utilities' ability to meet <br /> our strategic goals and mission. By improving our efficiency and level of performance in <br /> meeting our strategic goals and mission we can improve the delivery of value to our customers. <br /> To create incentives for employees to take personal responsibility for accomplishment of the <br /> Utilities' strategic goals and mission,the Utilities has established a Utilities Performance <br /> Metrics-based Incentive Compensation system("UPMIC"). Through UPMIC the employees of <br /> ERMU will have an opportunity, as a group, to earn annual incentive compensation for each <br /> qualifying employee by contributing individually to the overall success of ERMU on a daily <br /> basis. <br /> Under UPMIC, either all qualifying employees will earn an incentive compensation distribution <br /> in a given year, or none will. And not only will incentive compensation under UPMIC in that <br /> sense be an all or nothing proposition each year, but there will be an equal percentage share basis <br /> for all on which the incentive compensation will be paid out if earned. This appropriately <br /> reflects the reality that we all succeed, or fall short, together as a team. <br /> To administer the UPMIC and measure objectively the level of performance that must be <br /> achieved for qualifying employees to earn incentive compensation, the attached UMPIC <br /> Performance Metrics Policy Score Card("Score Card") has been created. The Score Card will <br /> be subject to revision annually based on the performance metrics adopted by the Commission <br /> annually for the coming year("Performance Metrics"). By tracking and measuring the <br /> Performance Metrics and creating incentive for employees to achieve the goals the Metrics <br /> embody,the Utilities believes it will be better able to focus efforts and resources on becoming <br /> more efficient and successful in meeting our strategic goals and mission and delivering improved <br /> value to our customers. <br /> 2.0 Utilities Performance Metrics Score Card <br /> As reflected on the Score Card, the Performance Metrics are divided into the following three <br /> categories: Safety, Reliability and Quality of Utility Services; Customer Service and Employee <br /> Page 1 of 3 <br /> 130 <br />