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Parks&Recreation Commission Minutes Page 3 <br /> February 11,2015 <br /> • equipment is kept in the building. Siding will be difficult to match however;Mr. <br /> Johnson has shared some ideas of how to replace the siding. <br /> Mr.Anderson shared he was glad that Zachary Johnson chose this project. <br /> 7.2 221 st Ave. Trail and Parking <br /> Mr. Hecker presented his staff report. Shared pictures of the area,stating that the <br /> city has a five year plan for the streets and that there is no planned improvement for <br /> 221"Ave. <br /> Commissioner Sagan shared that he has used the trail and road a lot in last five years <br /> and it is dangerous for both pedestrians and people parking along road. It should be <br /> made a priority for parking and trail. <br /> Commissioner Niziolek would recommend painting a crosswalk on the road right <br /> now as a starting point. <br /> Discussion of weather Quinn a city street or not and if it is a city street could it <br /> be recommended to direct parking along Quinn St. and add a trail from that to the <br /> Great Northern Trail. <br /> 411 Mr. Hecker will take points to City Council. <br /> Commissioner Anderson asked if the Commission will see this again. <br /> Mr. Hecker stated that the issue will be presented to the council in March. <br /> Commissioner Anderson asked to look at the current road right a way of 221St Ave. <br /> and if it is 66 ft. or 100 ft. Second,to develop a cross section of that trail and show <br /> how a detached and attached trail would be like. Third,if Quinn a city street or <br /> not? Lastly,what is the right a way for the trail. Is it 100 ft. from center from 221" <br /> Ave. Stating,that another option would be to have parking along the right away of <br /> the trail,pulling on and off of 221"Ave. and what would the safety of that be? <br /> Commissioner Anderson asked if parking is established would"No Parking" signs <br /> be installed and can property ownership be looked at in all four quadrants along with <br /> what are the restrictions for the wetlands in the quadrants and cost for adding a <br /> shoulder from Quinn St. <br /> Commissioner Niziolek asked where Quinn St.goes and does it go to Ridges of Rice <br /> Lake and if it is possible to create a trail through the "back door"which would get <br /> people off 221"Ave. <br /> Ms. Schmitz, 12495 225th Ct NW showed the drain field option to put a trail in to <br /> • 221"Ave. <br /> orb 1 i1 <br /> NATURE <br />