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Name <br />Wrap Light Poles (45) 2 strands per pole = 90 Strands C6 LED Warm White <br />25 trees = 100 strands C6 LED Warm White <br />Wrap base and drape in canopy <br />Any strands that need to be replaced = $15/ strand <br />Removal of current lights <br />Installation/ Removal/ Storage <br />$ 1,350.00 <br />City of Elk River Amanda Othoudt) <br />Address <br />13065 Orono Parkway <br />City <br />Elk River, MN <br />Phone <br />$ 5,600.00 <br />All material is guaranteed to be as specified. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications may result in a change in <br />price. All agreements are contingent upon circumstances beyond control of Rainbow Holiday Design including but not limited to <br />weather emergencies, animal damage, vandalism, theft, and changes in trade legislation. Owner remains responsible for any <br />damage to materials other than by gross negligence by Rainbow Holiday Design. LED products carry a 1 year warranty and all <br />other products carry a 1 year warranty. Labor prices are subject to change seasonally. All service calls will be billed at $75 per <br />hour, product replacement or repair will be additional. Products effected by power outages /surges are not covered under <br />,warranty. <br />763 635 -1042 <br />Email <br /> <br />Rainbow HolidayDesign <br />JOB DESCRIPTION <br />11571 K -Tel Dr, Minnetonka, MN <br />952- 922 -3810 <br /> <br />R141A SIH111161TA <br />We can use some of your existing lights, but I included the price to start over with all new lights <br />because I'm not sure how many existing lights still work. It looked some of the lights would still work, <br />but a lot of the lights looked like they needed to be replaced. <br />AMOUNT <br />Wrap Light Poles (45) 2 strands per pole = 90 Strands C6 LED Warm White <br />25 trees = 100 strands C6 LED Warm White <br />Wrap base and drape in canopy <br />Any strands that need to be replaced = $15/ strand <br />Removal of current lights <br />Installation/ Removal/ Storage <br />$ 1,350.00 <br />$ 1,500.00 <br />$ 750.00 <br />$ 2,000.00 <br />TOTAL ESTIMATED JOB COST <br />Tax not Included <br />$ 5,600.00 <br />All material is guaranteed to be as specified. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications may result in a change in <br />price. All agreements are contingent upon circumstances beyond control of Rainbow Holiday Design including but not limited to <br />weather emergencies, animal damage, vandalism, theft, and changes in trade legislation. Owner remains responsible for any <br />damage to materials other than by gross negligence by Rainbow Holiday Design. LED products carry a 1 year warranty and all <br />other products carry a 1 year warranty. Labor prices are subject to change seasonally. All service calls will be billed at $75 per <br />hour, product replacement or repair will be additional. Products effected by power outages /surges are not covered under <br />,warranty. <br />Customer Signature <br />March 30, 2015 <br />DATE <br />