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PRSR 10-12-1994
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PRSR 10-12-1994
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Feb. 8, 1983 BIKEWAYS .40- <br /> (b) No person shall operate a bicycle unless it is equip- 169.305 CONTROLLED ACCESS REGULATIONS • <br /> ped with a brake which will enable the operator to make AND PENALTIES. <br /> the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement. <br /> Subdivision I. <br /> (c) No person shall operate upon a highway any bicycle <br /> equipped with handlebars so raised that the operator must (c) The commissioner of transportation may by order, <br /> elevate his hands above the level of his shoulders in order and any public authority may by ordinance, with respect <br /> to grasp the normal steering grip area. to any controlled access highway under their jurisdictions <br /> prohibit or regulate the use of any such highway by ped- <br /> (d) No person shall operate upon a highway any bicycle estrians, bicycles, or other nonmotorized traffic, or by <br /> which is of such a size as to prevent the operator from motorized bicycles, or by any class or kind of traffic <br /> stopping the bicycle, supporting it with at least one foot which is found to be incompatible with the normal and <br /> on the highway surface and restarting in a safe manner. safe flow of traffic. <br /> Subd. 7.Sale with reflectors and other equipment. No (d) The commissioner of transportation or the public <br /> person shall sell or offer for sale any new bicycle unless it authority adopting any such prohibitory regulation shall <br /> is equipped with reflectors and other equipment as required erect and maintain official signs on the controlled access <br /> by subdvision 6, clauses (a) and (b) and by the regulation highway on which such regulations are applicable and when <br /> for new bicycles prescribed by the United States consumer so erected no person shall disobey the restrictions stated <br /> product safety commission. on such signs. <br /> Subd. 8. Turning and lane changes. An arm signal to Subd. 2. Except for a driver of an authorized emer- <br /> turn right or left shall be given continuously during the gency vehicle in the course of performing his duties,no <br /> last 100 feet traveled by the bicycle before turning, unless driver of a vehicle shall back the same upon the roadway <br /> the arm is needed to control the bicycle,and shall be given or shoulder of any controlled access highway. <br /> while the bicycle is stopped waiting to turn. <br /> Subd. 3.Any person violating the provisions of this • <br /> Subd. 9.Bicycle parking. (a) A person may park a section or any order or ordinance promulgated or enacted <br /> bicycle on a sidewalk unless prohibited or restricted by by the commissioner of transportation or a public authority <br /> local authorities. A bicycle parked on a sidewalk shall pursuant thereto is guilty of a petty misdemeanor. <br /> not impede the normal and reasonable movement of <br /> pedestrians or other traffic. 160.263 BICYCLE LANES AND WAYS. Subdivision 1. <br /> Definitions. As used in this section, "bicycle lane"means <br /> (b) A bicycle may be parked on a roadway at any lo- that portion of a roadway set aside by the governing <br /> cation where parking is allowed if it is parked in such a body of a political subdivision having jurisdiction over <br /> manner that it does not obstruct the movement of a legally the road for the exclusive use of bicycles or other vehicles <br /> parked motor vehicle. propelled by human power and so designated by appro- <br /> priate signs and markings; and "bicycle way" means any <br /> Subd. 10. Bicycle events. (a) Bicycle events, parades, path or sidewalk or portion thereof designated for the use <br /> contests, or racing on a highway shall not be unlawful of bicycles or other vehicles propelled by human power <br /> when approved by state or local authoritities having by the governing body of a political subdivision. <br /> jurisdiction over that highway. Approval shall be granted <br /> only under conditions which assure reasonable safety for <br /> all participants, spectators and other highway users, and Subd.2.Powers of political subdivisions. The governing <br /> which prevent unreasonable interference with traffic flow body of any political subdivision may by ordinance: <br /> which would seriously inconvenience other highway users. <br /> (a) Designate any roadway or portion thereof under <br /> its jurisdiction as a bicycle lane. <br /> By agreement with the approving authority,participants <br /> in an approved bicycle highway event may be exempted <br /> from compliance with any traffic laws otherwise applicable (b) Designate any sidewalk or portion thereof under its <br /> thereto, provided that traffic control is adequate to assure jurisdiction as a bicycle way provided that the designation <br /> does not destroy a pedestrian way or pedestrian access. <br /> the safety of all highway users. <br /> Subd. 3. Designation of lane. A governing body desig- <br /> nating a sidewalk or portion thereof as a bicycle Iane under • <br /> this section may: <br /> • <br />
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