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Feb. 8, 1983 BIKEWAYS -38_ <br /> D. SIGNALS The Standard Signs Manual Parts 1, 2, and 3 contain <br /> detail drawings of all approved traffic signs. <br /> Traffic signals used solely for bicyclists will be <br /> rare;however, when signals are involved on the bike route, Both of the above-mentioned manuals are available <br /> the following comments should be considered: from Mn/DOT Traffic Engineering Section, St. Paul, free <br /> of charge to all governmental road authorities in the State. <br /> — Where a bikeway is a separate facility adjacent Private firms may purchase the manuals at a nominal fee. <br /> to the road, the bicyclist can be considered as a pedes- Technical assistance on the use and application of traffic <br /> trian at cross road intersections and pedestrian indications control devices on bikeways is also available from the <br /> should be provided if not present at existing signals. Mn/DOT District Traffic Engineers and the Traffic En- <br /> gineering Section staff. <br /> — Warrants used for motor vehicles are considered <br /> appropriate for use in determining the need for signals F. LAWS <br /> to serve bicyclists. <br /> Listed below are pertinent sections of the Minnesota <br /> — Generally bicycles can cross intersections under Motor Vehicle and Traffic Laws current as of 1981. <br /> the same signal timing arrangement as motor vehicles. But <br /> at signalized intersections of multilane streets, bicyclists <br /> may have difficulties crossing, if the clearance interval CHAPTER 169 <br /> (amber interval plus optional all-red interval) is not of MINNESOTA HIGHWAY TRAFFIC REGULATION <br /> adequate duration. Extremely short clearance intervals <br /> should not be used. 169.01 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Terms. For the <br /> purposes of this chapter, the terms defined in this section <br /> — On-road bikeways will require engineering judg- shall have the meanings ascribed to them. <br /> ment to determine if clearance intervals should be modified <br /> to allow a more adequate clearance interval for bicyclists to Subd. 5I. Bicycle. "Bicycle" means every device pro- <br /> clear the intersection. pelled solely by human power upon which any person may • <br /> ride, having two tandem wheels except scooters and similar <br /> — Clearance time required for bicycles should devices and including any device generally recognized as a <br /> be evaluated as a standard practice for each signalized bicycle though equipped with two front or rear wheels. <br /> intersection along a bikeway. A bicyclist's speed, repre- <br /> sentative of bikers' ages and travel characteristics for each Subd. 62. Bicycle lanes and ways. The terms "Bicycle <br /> specific case, should be utilized in the calculations. The lane" and "Bicycle way"shall have the meanings ascribed <br /> number of seconds required to cross a street can then be to them in section 160.263. <br /> determined. To this figure will be added the amount of <br /> time necessary for the bicyclist to perceive, react and brake 169.06 SIGNS, SIGNALS, MARKINGS.Subdivision 1. <br /> to a stop without entering the intersection. Uniform systems. The commissioner shall adopt a manual <br /> and specifications for a uniform system of traffic-control <br /> — At installations where only programmed vehicle devices consistent with the provisions of this chapter for <br /> signals are used, special attention should be given to adjust- use upon highways within this state. Such uniform system <br /> ing the signals so bicycles on the regular bicycle lanes or shall correlate with and so far as possible conform to the <br /> travel paths can see the signals. If programmed signals system then current as approved by the American Associ- <br /> cannot be aimed to serve the bicyclist, then separate sig- ation of State Highway Officials. The adoption of the <br /> nals shall be provided. manual and specifications by the commissioner as herein <br /> provided is specifically exempted from the provisions <br /> — At low volume intersections utilizing semi-actu- and requirements of Minnesota Statutes section 15.0411 <br /> ated controllers, it may be necessary to provide special to 15.0422 and acts amendatory thereto. <br /> "pedestrian type" detectors (pedestrian pushbuttons). <br /> for bicyclists because the motor vehicle detectors normally Subd. 2.Placement and maintenance on trunk highways. <br /> will not detect bicycles. The commissioner shall place and maintain such traffic- <br /> control devices, conforming to the manual and specifica- <br /> E. REFERENCES tions, upon all state trunk highways as he shall deem <br /> necessary to indicate and to carry out the provisions of this <br /> The Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control chapter or to regulate, warn, or guide traffic. The commis- <br /> Devices, Part IX Traffic Controls for Bicycle Facilities, sioner may construct and maintain signs at the entrance <br /> should be reviewed to determine proper use and installa- of each city, which sign shall have placed thereon the <br /> Lion of traffic control devices. All traffic control devices name of the city, and the population thereof. The coin- <br /> installed must conform to this manual under the pro- missioner may construct and maintain other directional <br /> visions of Minnesota Statutes 169.06. signs upon the trunk highways and such signs shall be <br />