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Feb. 8, 1983 BIKEWAYS -31_ <br /> • The inexperienced bicyclist will generally prefer — Desirable to identify utilities present. <br /> the two step approach. They will enter the intersection <br /> in the right lane and cross to the corner and then make — Available traffic volume data. <br /> another crossing to end up on the right lane of the cross <br /> street. — If intersection looks difficult, should bikeway <br /> be added to this road? Is there another alternative? <br /> Some of the conflicts noted above are partially <br /> the result of physical facility provisions for bicyclists and With the above data gathered, you now can properly <br /> laws and ordinances relating to bicycle operation. evaluate the alternative designs. <br /> F. ON-ROAD BIKEWAY TREATMENTS AT INTER- <br /> D. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS TO INTERSECTION SECTIONS <br /> PROBLEMS <br /> The following on-road bikeways treatments are <br /> As noted before, techniques to improve safety for appropriate at intersections under varying circumstances. <br /> the bicyclist will generally inhibit the experienced cyclist No single treatment is universally recommended. Each <br /> by routing bicycle lanes through intersections in such a way intersection should be studied on an individual basis to <br /> that the less experienced cyclist will be lebst exposed to determine the appropriate design. <br /> conflict. Since the predominate use of bikeways falls into <br /> the less experienced class the two-step approach to making 1. Lane Continuation <br /> a left turn should be planned for the intersection. <br /> The "lane continuation" treatment where the on- <br /> Possible solution to the intersection problem can road bikeway is marked through the intersection may be <br /> take three forms of approach: appropriate only at intersections where the bikeway on <br /> major streets cross minor streets, particularly at '1" <br /> — Designs can be implemented which channel the intersections and only where right turns from the major <br /> bicycle into specific and more desirable locations. street to the minor street are minimal. The purpose is <br /> to provide more continuity of flow for the bicyclist. The <br /> — The second approach is to improve the motorist's solid stripe helps alert and remind vehicle (drivers) appro <br /> perception of the potential for cyclist-motorist conflict. aching on the minor, low volume, street and right turning <br /> This could best be done by advance warning through signs motorist on the major street of the existence of the bike <br /> or markings at locations where heavy cyclist conflicts lane. See Fig. A. <br /> are expected. <br /> 2. Lane to Intersection <br /> — A third approach is to separate traffic flows either <br /> by signalization or grade separation. Bike lanes carried to the intersection are the <br /> recommended treatment when right turning motor vehicle <br /> E. SITE OF INTERSECTION & FIELD EVALUATION traffic is extremely light or when traffic conditions make <br /> bicyclist weaving, to esablish normal postional relationships <br /> Before reviewing specific ways of handling a bike- with motor vehicles for through and left-turn movements, <br /> way through an intersection, one should do a field walk more potentially hazardous than cross conflict with right <br /> of it to get an idea of what type of conditions are present. turning motor vehicles. When this treatment is provided, <br /> In the review one should note some of the following: left turning bicyclists should make two-stage turns.See Fig. <br /> B. <br /> — Is there good perceptual sight distance so both <br /> motorist and bicyclist can be seen?Are there any buildings, 3. Lane Termination <br /> embankments, parked cars, or trees and bushes that are <br /> blocking the view? "Lane Termination" treatment is normally em- <br /> ployed under the same conditions as the broken stripe, <br /> — Note traffic control. If signals are present are there except that space is unavailable to maintain a bike lane to <br /> pedestrian indicators provided? the intersection. Whether "broken stripe"or "lane termina- <br /> tion" treatment is employed, arbitrary setback distances <br /> — Note if a curb is present. Are pedestrian ramps from the intersection should not be specified as standard <br /> in place and are they safe? points for initiation of treatment. Each intersection should <br /> • be individually assessed as to appropriate weaving distance <br /> — Note general cross section. If bikeway is involved, required and lane termination or broken stripe initiation <br /> it will be desirable to know if ditches are adjacent to road. should be located accordingly.See Fig. C. <br /> Is landing area for bicycles going to be a problem? <br />