<br />
<br />dams, subsurface drains, pipe slope drains, storm drain inlet protection, and temporary or permanent
<br />sedimentation basins.
<br />Soil
<br />means the unconsolidated mineral and organic material on the immediate surface of the earth. For
<br />the purposes of this document stockpile of gravel, aggregate, concrete or bituminous materials are not
<br />considered "soil" stockpiles.
<br />Stabilized
<br />means the exposed ground surface after sod, erosion control blanket, riprap, or other
<br />material that prevents erosion has covered it. Simply sowing grass seed is not considered stabilization.
<br />Stormwater
<br />"
<br />under Minnesota Rule 7077.0105, subpart 41b storm water, means, “precipitation
<br />runoff, storm water runoff, snow melt runoff, and any other surface runoff and drainage." (According to
<br />the Federal Code of Regulations under 40 CFR 122.26 [b][13], "Storm water means storm water runoff,
<br />snow melt runoff and surface and drainage."). Stormwater does not include construction site dewatering.
<br />Stormwater pollution plan
<br />control
<br />prevention or SWPPP means a joint storm water and erosion and
<br />4
<br />sediment control plan that is a document containing the requirements of Section IV of the NPDES
<br />permit, that when implemented will decrease soil erosion on a parcel of land and off-site nonpoint
<br />pollution. It involves both temporary and permanent controls erosion prevention, sediment control, and
<br />pollution prevention practices.
<br />Structure
<br /> means anything manufactured, constructed, or erected, which is normally attached to or
<br />positioned on land, including portable structures, earthen structures, roads, parking lots, and paved
<br />
<br />storage areas.
<br />Subdivision
<br />means any tract of land divided into building lots for private, public, commercial,
<br />industrial, etc. development. Minnesota Rule 6120.2500, subpart 17 defines subdivision as, " . . . land that
<br />is divided for the purpose of sale, rent, or lease, including planned unit development."
<br />Temporary protection
<br />means short-term methods employed to prevent erosion. Examples of such
<br />protection include: straw, mulch, erosion control blankets, wood chips, and erosion netting.
<br />Vegetated or grassy
<br />swales
<br />swale means a vegetated earthen channel that conveys stormwater, while
<br />treating the stormwater by biofiltration. Such swales remove pollutants by both filtration and infiltration.
<br />Waters of the
<br />state As
<br />State as defined in Minnesota Statutes § 115.01, subdivision 22 the term ". . .
<br />"waters of the state" means all streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, watercourses, waterways, wells, springs,
<br />reservoirs, aquifers, irrigation systems, drainage systems and all other bodies or accumulations of water,
<br />surface or underground, natural or artificial, public or private, which are contained within, flow through,
<br />or border upon the state or any portion thereof."
<br />Wet detention facility
<br /> permanent
<br />means a manmade structure, containing a permanent pool of
<br />water, used for the temporary storage of runoff.
<br />Wet retention facility The same as a wet detention facility.
<br />Wetlands
<br />As" .
<br /> as defined in Minnesota Rules 7050.0130, subpart F, “. . . "wetlands" are those areas
<br />that are inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to
<br />support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted
<br />for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.
<br />Constructed wetlands designed for wastewater treatment are not waters of the state. Wetlands must have
<br />the following attributes:
<br />(1)
<br />
<br />1.A predominance of hydric soils;
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