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,.fir <br /> ITEM 5 <br /> yof <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> -111Z - River <br /> TO: PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br /> FROM: BUILDING AND ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, <br /> STEVEN ROHLF <br /> DATE: JANUARY 5, 1995 5R <br /> SUBJECT: COUNTRY CROSSINGS BUSINESS CENTER <br /> Country Ridge Partnership is proposing a preliminary plat to subdivide 37 acres into three <br /> business park lots and two outlots. A copy of this plat is attached to this memo. <br /> Lot 1, Block 2, is 2.7 acres and is proposed to accommodate a 30,000 square foot, two <br /> story office building that is consistent with the industrial type uses allowed in the business <br /> park. Staff is not recommending park dedication for this lot. <br /> • Lot 1, Block 1, is 3.09 acres in size and will be used to accommodate a strip mall. Lot 2, <br /> Block 1 is 2 acres in size and is proposed for another commercial use, possibly a <br /> restaurant. Staff is recommending that park dedication be paid on the 5.09 acres <br /> contained in these lots at $1500.00 per acre which equals $7,635.00. Further park <br /> dedication will be considered on the outlots when they are replatted. <br /> At your last regularly held meeting, the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed <br /> pedestrian movements for the area in which this plat is located. Your recommendation <br /> was for a sidewalk on the left side of Joplin and a trail on the east side. There is currently <br /> enough right-of-way for Joplin Street to accomplish both of these and they plan to be <br /> constructed. <br /> The Park and Recreation Commission also recommended a trail on the south side of the <br /> frontage road that accesses these lots (which is identified on the attached plat as Business <br /> Center Drive). Staff is still recommending a sidewalk instead of a trail in this location. <br /> Our rationale is that a sidewalk will be more aesthetically pleasing in a business park <br /> setting and will not require park funds to be constructed. In either case, staff is <br /> recommending that it be constructed as part of the plat improvements. <br /> Staff looks forward to discussing these issues with the Park and Recreation Board at <br /> Wednesday night's meeting. <br /> • <br /> s:srp&cmm <br /> P.O. Box 490 • 13065 Orono Parkway • Elk River, MN 55330 • (612) 441-7420 • Fax: (612) 441-7425 <br />